Google Maps on iPod Touch...WOW!

i think its possible, i havn’t done it myself though so who knows. is my major iphone source

how do you get customize on your phone without a jailbreak? does 1.1.4 allow you to install new apps?

yeah, I just upgraded to 1.1.4 last night via itunes and used iliberty+ for windows to jailbreak it.

A WORD OF CAUTION, BACKUP ALL YOUR CONTACTS FIRST (it would of been nice if some kind of warning came up on itunes :cockblock)


The only fix it changes is the safari white page when you have more than one window open right?

not really sure to be honest with you. I just saw that it [1.1.4] was jailbroken and decided to update to start fresh (myPhone fucked some thing up on it via a bug)

no complaints though, other than loosing some contact info

ok i just got in my wooted 8gb itouch(myself).

I was looking for a way to stream radio to my touch via wifi.

has anyone found a way to do this. ?

looking into the jailbrake thing now.

and is there a way to drag and drop files onto it via a wireless windows (gasp) network?

crippled mac devices ftL

yea there is programs in the app installer that can stream stuff. havent tried to yet but its worth a shot.

if you want to drag and drop it, there is ways to mount the SSH file system over wifi once its jailbroken and copy files. you can wireless sync it too that way.