Google, pissing off dictators again

Looks like #egypt is back.

Don’t be evil, Mubarek!

i’m cool with it.


yeah i said it

Yeah, I think it’s awesome what google is doing.

google is awesome

apparently one of their marketing execs went missing in egypt though. not cool.

Totally relevant pictures from an ad campaign over a year ago. It’s awesome how the internet is shaping the world;

Hahaha, I love those

I feel bad that I can only name 3 out of the 6.

Michael Jackson, Hugo Sanchez, Gloria Esteban and some other towel head dudes.

Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Raul Castro, Mugabe, Gaddafi & Kim Jong-il.

…my answer was better. psh. lol.

I thought that one was Cuba but wasn’t sure what Raul looked like.

Chavez aint scuuured of the internets.

he’s actually awesome you just refuse to believe it

Those pictures are hilarious.

lol, you mean the guy who closed down golf courses because they’re a “sport for the rich” or the guy who runs the country with one of the highest inflation rates in the world? (20% average each year, 35% in 2010)

Oh, you must mean the guy who’s internet control laws were just passed:

The internet law extends broadcast-type regulation to the web and forbids messages that foment popular unrest, disrespect public authorities, or incite hate.

The measure also mandates that all internet traffic be driven through a single, government-controlled hub, which will increase efficiency and speed of the web, according to the bill’s proponents.

“The Internet cannot be something open where anything is said and done. Every country has to apply its own rules and norms,” Chavez said. “We have to act. We are going to ask the attorney general for help, because this is a crime. I have information that this page periodically publishes stories calling for a coup d’etat. That cannot be permitted.”

Nope, not afraid of the internet at all, lol :slight_smile:

don’t they have more important things to worry about than “tweeting”

awesome thread/

i dont think you realize how powerful twitter is

Yeah, just because this country only uses it to follow stupid reality TV stars doesn’t mean that’s how countries with state run media and nothing like our 1st amendment use it. In many countries Twitter gives those without the right to have a voice a place to be heard and that’s a really powerful thing.