google to turn over 4 terabytes of names and ips

“Google will have to turn over every record of every video watched by YouTube users, including users’ names and IP addresses, to Viacom, which is suing Google for allowing clips of its copyright videos to appear on YouTube, a judge ruled Wednesday. Although Google argued that turning over the data would invade its users’ privacy, the judge’s ruling (.pdf) described that argument as “speculative” and ordered Google to turn over the logs on a set of four tera-byte hard drives.”


the comments are pretty good.

def raises some good questions, like why does google keep personal info and why does viacom need personal info like this? personal law suits? RIAA part II?

the RIAA should look at the last batch of lawsuits and how well they DIDNT do


google is very invasive, they hold a lot of personal information. They will search ALL of your shit for keywords, and then target their advertising using that information.

Besides, it is not google’s fault that stupid people post copies of copyrighted material up there. Its the people’s faults/problem that post the crap

Google probably keeps it for statistical analysis for marketing research.

So like when you put in as your search criteria “lemon party nikuk blood crisco” they use that to market you band-aids, cooking recipes and therapy?

google makes a majority of their money off of their advertising. They are VERY effective at targeting individual interests.

When I was job hunting, I started to notice that the advertisement bar at the top of the screen was telling me about c/c++ programming jobs that google had open. How the hell did they know I was looking for a software development job? Read my emails, its easy to figure out.

i’d be surprised if they are reading your emails…

google is big brother 2.0 :stuck_out_tongue:

why? it happens at every company. they own the servers and the rights to the data, guarantee it’s in the terms somewhere.

people have a very bad misconception that email is private at all… it has to be one of the easiest things to document for ISP’s/hosting companies etc.

its not even so much about who posted it, they want to know who is watching the material.

looks like i am using google/youtube from a proxy only from now on.

they DEFINITELY scan it for keywords man. Shits true. Most people have no idea.

How do most people have no idea they scan the email??

Look at the fucking targeted advertisements you get based on content of your emails or content of your searches…its not some snky snky hidden shit…

I pay my TW bill online and the confirmation email has all this below in the right column

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obviously they have a script scanning your email for key words…

I don’t really think many people pay attention to it.

Scary to think that if IT workers there really wanted to, they could easily write scripts to scan your email and look for XXX-XX-XXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, etc… patterns and what not.

I don’t know any of those people at google, should I trust them with my data?

No search results. (I had to try it.)

and lol @ turbo ls1 ss posting a mini me sex tape from youtube… haha viacom is gonna know he is into midget porn… lol

Viacom is not going to be suing you for watching a clip on youtube. They’re going add up all the times everyone watched their copyrighted shows on youtube and use that number to calculate some insane amount to sue Google for.

Back when Google bought Youtube I said it was a stupid purchase because they were opening themselves up to a huge legal mess with all the copyrighted material that ends up on Youtube. It’s only a matter of time before a judge rules that the current method of making copyright holders find their material on Youtube and then have them request it be removed isn’t good enough.

News flash…

The internet is not a place of anonymity…

Honestly…Posting copyrighted content to the largest video repository on the internet and wondering why you got in trouble :bloated:

so was it a specific group of videos or something that they’re pissed about?

yeah seriously. I can’t believe it even took this long for them to do something about it.

the internet used to be a good idea, then it went to hell.

so am i gonna get in trouble for watching 16yo girls dancing in thongs on youtube?