googling typo's

so don’t use it. there are words and phrases that I don’t like or understand, but I don’t go off saying “stop using that! it’s pissing me off!” Next thing you know, you’ll be a spelling Nazi and try to tell people to stop typing like a 12-year-old.

ur a 2L

I like complaining. I do it very well. I don’t know what a 2L is though.

<–Waiting for someone to bitch about ebonics being considered an official dialect of english…

2L = tool

Now you guys are just using “g’s” with blatent disregard.


why ain’t we sposed to use g’s?

IB4 “2L”, “LoL”, and “OMGHI2U!” make it into the dictionary & language.

i think “lol” should be in the dictionary, as wel las “tup”, and “tdown”.

so the american language is truely that lazy?

^ what rock have u been under? lol

eh… shorthand? lol


That wasn’t very nice.

he’s right about what it means, but I was basically just using it as an example of some of the new crap that’s made up because of laziness.

only 2 g’s. better.