Got a few tickets tonight...

apparently some people didn’t find this as funny as I did, or cant read more than a “:tup:” or symbol. I really shouldn’t have even mentioned the exhuast in this thread, cause thats not what it’s about…fact is, I have an after market exhuast = deserves a ticket. fact is, mine is much quieter that MOST out there…I said that to the cop cause I didn’t think he’d actually give me a ticket for it. He did say “I couldn’t have any other muffler than stock” - which is BS, is just has to be adequate. I have gotten pulled over with no front plate on and the cop said “no front plate huh?, I think it looks like shit too, other cops might not be so nice tho, so watch out”. As far as DB’s go, mine does put out more than stock, but I believe to be quieter than the noise ordenace limit, so I F’ed myself.

I posted this cause he looked me in the eye and said “maybe you could mention your carburetor problems to the prosecutor” I smiled at him instantly, and laughed out loud the whole way home! does my WRX look like a car to have a carburator? apparantly he is unaware of this new fangled system called fuel injection…understandable in that they have only been out for like 50 years…

for people that call me a moron…I can read a paragraph and understand the main idea, and points that have emphasis
therefore my knowledge is > yours.

to make it easy for some, I’ll give an easily readable translation: :tdown: :slight_smile:

and by the way Newman, I don’t know what exactly is causing it either but its something in my clutch assembly. when the clutch is cold the car jerks hard, and it stops when warm; but the car does seem very slow. I ran out 4th gear on the way to get my hair cut today and got MAJOR clutch smell, took like 3 min with windows open to clear it out. there is also a chatter. Im thinking somthing with pressure plate. So there is no more conversation about this…thing is messed, I’ll get a new clutch kit…done. Also, my friend Alex was over and saw one of your post, he said he sees you around and gave you a :tup:. he goes to a lot of shows, I think that’s where he knows you from. I showed him your post about the bait stores and he was crackin’ up.