Dude I am glad you are ok. That sucks that you got hit.
damn dan that really sucks that was pretty cool car…glad ur ok tho
yupp pretty much sucks really bad… I might have hope in fixing it but still not sure?
dude with the resources we have on this board, if you want to run again in that car…you will!
Well looking at it tonight at jeffs… .talking to other mr2 owners… its very fixable… I know whats going to happen though the insurance company is going to total it… oh well… Ill have more money to spend on fixing it and giving it new paint… just have to forward the police report to my insurance company and to the womens insurance company and go from there.
Glad you’re ok Dan, that shit will buff right out, not a problem :bigok:
HAHAHAHAHAHAH good one mike!
Well I took some pictures of the car yesterday. Yesterday I went to the scene of the accident. It made me so agrivated just looking there how someone so carelesly could wreck into my car… it really sucks it was such a clean mr2.
now that ice bottle is where I started to pull out… the farthest light pool away is where the tire marks start… prolly about 10 ft behind it maybe… its pretty far away… Just looking at that and judging how fast she was going makes me nuts.
well heres the good thing… The car is very repairable. Speaking with other mr2 owners and talking to jeff about it. We can repair it. Im going to get all the body panals and everything else I need very much next to nothing from a good friend.
take full advantage of this situation man… go widebody… Sorry to hear this, I saw your car sitting outside of Hybrid the day before… what a bummer…
yah I thought about it… but Im not into that type of thing. Its going to get new paint and nice wheels.
bad luck dan, glad you’re alright… good luck, and if its totaled, buy it back like Brian says.
you look totally into widebody to me :kekegay:
what can I say Im going for the total pewter look!!
haha that was a good one chad.
i do belive ur the fatter one son!
step up on the scale there tubby!
263 there chubs!
now now ladies
dammm burny…at least ur alive and only some blood…its alot better than dieing seeing how we just became friends i’d hate to see u die…there goes the mr2 though…but u’ll b able to fix it!!!