got today...f%#k!!

well, i got laid off today. my boss was forced to drop the bomb on me. the good thing is that i know alot of peeps in the biz. i went on an interview to day and it looks good. my boss knows the managers and put his foot in the door for me.

kool thing is in goin to arizona, hollywood, mexico and vegas next week so this is a start to a great 2 week forced vacation for me.

if everything goes well i sould be walking into more money at the other job, with way better benefits. the only thing that sux is the drive every day (o.p.—>williamsville) but hey, gotta d what ya gota do…right

shitty man, hope it goes well…

i thought you owned your own body shop?

if not… no time better than the present

well hopefully everything will work out and you’ll be happier at the other job.

and have fun on your vacations…im jealous.

no i worked at a dealership, i dont know that i would even want my own

That sucks, sorry man.

fixed. heh. <3

Shit that blows

Well on the plus side you can collect unemployment since you got laid off right?

Damn, that sucks dood.

My friend just got laid off yesterday also - at least he got 2 months pay lol

Sux dude, But I know someone will pick you up in no time for sure :tup:
Call me later, we can chat some more about your search.


That’s cool, that’s not really cool :frowning:


Sorry to hear Tom.

Did you find your mouse??

yeah, he had to dig a little deeper past the gerbil :gay2:


nope…lemmiwinks hasnt taken that journey yet

good luck tom, hope all is well, remember mice like cheese :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry to hear man…that sucks. Hope it all works out for ya.

That does suck, best of luck to ya in finding something new and better. Im laid off this week too but its a normal thing for me this time of year. Hopefully I am off a week in march also so i can collect unemployment and get my car goin.

Holy :tdown:

That sucks dude. Best of luck there.:frowning:

i got laid off 3 weeks ago then brought back part time…shit suck bad.