Got me a FC

Um, you have a flock of Pittspeed people who have known and worked on rotary’s since you were in grade school all lining up to tell you that they are junk and if you are serious about sinking any money into the car, an engine swap is the way to go. The reason I’m mocking you is because you’re marginalizing said advice as “useless insight”.

i made a reference to the Mazda 787B being used in the Le Mans, but that was about it.
No, you made an idiotic comparison of a purpose built, big money race engine, and the tired old rotary thats been rotting away for 20 years in your car. Thats like me saying that John Force’s car is a V8 piston engine so that must mean my engine must be able to handle 8,000 hp. Brilliant!
You guys not just you really suck at trying to flame ppl. I would think someone that does it all day would be a lil better. and unlike you i dont live on pittspeed haha, i have other things to do in the day instead of search for threads to flame.
Have fun with your busted old piece of shit FC, champ!