Got me a FC

Not everyone and everything, just idiots like you.

I bet when you look in the Mirror you feel all weird inside.

I do, it’s tough looking at perfection every day.

if you can even see yourself through all of the smog.

all of that smog makes your mom look better, so there is a plus side to it.

o ok… thanks for clearing that up.

well most retards cant even form complete sentences, atleast Dark can spell and write english, even if he’s retarded for owning an auto-vette…

I like how an fc thread turned into a dick measuring contest…

Hey guys Check this out…:bj::bj:

well, the fc sucks balls so the topic should have turned into something interesting.

Well instead of bashing a sucky car, why couldnt we change this into a…My XGF thread…

i got pictures of a freshly turned 18yr old…but i guess half the fags here would flame me for loving the vag…

we will be the judge
pics or ban!

tough bargin…

Ever since i was banned from the classified section, or whatever the fuck happened there…

she looks like this tho…

OH wait…


ew, now that i looked at her again…im glad, im not plowing that like and unstoppable rebel force…

Thank you jesus…

you werent banned. must be a donating member now to create new classifieds threads…

now on with the pics!

hmmmmm, guess ill have to get up on that…


bitch got no asss and no tits…are you sure you want to see an adolescent female…

Plus, hairy, fishy bush…:puke:

yes we need more pics and PM me her phone number

lol, tonight, when i got the spare time to upload all of them

and she lives in california, AS of this time last year…
fucked up thing was she broke up with me the day after my older brother died…

no harm in looking… right?

I see your bet, and raise you.

this thread could get good.

/my document/my pictures/mary/shit chad will n3var see/


more pics of bare TITTIes or evryone in this thread gets a 2 week :ban: