Got my motorcycle learner's permit

Got the learner’s permit however i have a dilema.

Even after i get my bike i dont have anyone to ride with.

They have rider’s courses that waive the road test. But they are full through the winter, gay.

Anyways, not that I would ever do anything illegal, but what would you do in this sort of situation?

I’d wait for a rider course… from what I understand they are very beneficial… to help you learn that is… not just for the road test thing…

Man… I wish you still lived up here… we could be bike n00bs together!

Team AV 4L

yea if it meant a month or two thats cool but i really dont feel like waiting till may…

down here as soon as february hits your get days that you can ride.

and two permits make a liscence right? :stuck_out_tongue:

i took my course for the licence, def well worth it, but ive never ridden b4

If you can find someone that is a good rider who won’t teach you bad habits, get a bike and start practicing now. You need a licenced rider within a certain distance of you if permits are similar to NY. You can always take the course later, just so long as you do it when the opportunity presents itself.

Or if you are really ambitious, start riding by yourself. Just get a few books on riding, study them, and apply what they say. I’m sure there is a book out there that describes some of the basics you will learn in the MSF course anyway.

Whatever you do, start practicing scanning. Make a constant effort to check your mirros, sides, and any other angle you can in front of you. You can (and should) move your head slightly, but don’t exaggerate it.

i mean i guess im not really worried about riding by myself i feel i can learn the techniques. I’ll just need to find someone to go to my liscencing exam with me so i can ride there and not get in trouble.

I taught myself late at night in the mean streets of Elma. Rode all by myself. Had my Permit for 3 years rode all the time, just dont do any stupid shit. and learn via a course be safe and careful!

You got a bike?!.. Im jealous

i know tons of people that ride on just permits…
just don’t get caught.
a friend of mine just got his bike impounded and 5 tickets or so after leaving my place late at night…

I rode on my permit for half a summer before I got my license. Just don’t drive like a tard and you wil be fine until you can work out a road test date or take the MSF course.

I ride without my licence…I mean I had a permit but didnt renew it so i lost it…
I’ve never had a problem with POPO’ (knock on wood):slight_smile: … They wont pull you over unless you do something stupid…Shit i dont even have an inspection sticker…lol…

anyways…You should be alright…:eekdance:

hows tha?, if u get cought with just a permit, its just a ticket for riding out of class.

It all depends…If you’re doing something stupid and they pull you over and all you have is your permit, they’ll impound your bike…It happened to my buddie a few year ago…ohh and theyll take you to jail…

BUt i doubt they’ll impound it, if they just happen to pull you over for the fuck of it… …I think it all depends on the officer too…I dunno…

Good luck out there…

P.S dont worry about cops…worry about DUMB ass people driving,…and try to keep both tires on the ground…:hang:

My theory was … there is always someone within a 1/4 miles with a motorcycle license.

If you get pulled over and you don’t have a better excuse… just tell him he was behind you a minute ago.

sign up for the course for next year

well worth it

<-- MSF grad

^^^^ That too,…very important info there…write it down…lol

Did you actually get a bike, or not?

You should take a look at mine. It would be an excellent beginner’s
bike, and you won’t pay an arm and a leg. Just don’t listen to all the
stupid people that tell you you shouldn’t get a big beginner’s bike
because it doesn’t matter. The bike only goes as fast as your wrist
twists the throttle! Discipline!

DayyyUUmm …You’re right…^^^

he should buy my R1

^^^I think you were trying to say it’s ok to start on a crotch rocket. True as long as you trust yourself to be disciplined and won’t cry if you accidently drop all that pretty plastic on the ground. Sportbikes are harder to ride, you have to admit. Narrow steering stops, high center of gravity, very responsive (read: “touchy”) brakes and throttle…

But like I said, it can be done. One of my best friends started on an R6 and didn’t drop it or die. He had decent strength and a level head so he was fine. Oh, and he took the MSF Learn2Ride course, which I wouldn’t let him start riding without taking.

As others have said, take the MSF course as soon as you can. You will learn things that will make riding more fun (because you’ll be good at it, not a stupid n00b wobbling through corners closing the throttle because you never learned slow-look-lean-roll.) You will also learn things that will help keep you alive and in one piece. (Threshold braking, hard turns, swerving, hazard identification, etc.)


As for riding without a license, being very cautious will have a two-fold benefit: You’ll stay alive and the cops won’t look twice, unless it’s to give you a friendly wave. (I got more cops waving than I did glaring.)

i always thought cops were pretty forgiving with the motorcycle permit thing.

When I first actually got my license, I got pulled over a few days later. It was late, I was cold. I pulled over. Pull out my license that still just says motorcycle permit on it, and the cop blew up like “WTF YOU ARE RIDING WITHOUT A LICENSE!!!”

luckily i had just gotten it and explained it to him that if he ran it, he’d find I had my license. but I rode quite liberally before that, and realized how dumb that was.