Got myself an unusual birthday gift... [channeling viper996]

its your $$ so do whatever u want… but if u paid 8k… that is pretty nuts

I didn’t pay $8k, I got the $16k ones.

Mine use an SPH aviation helmet mount on a Bell brand helmet. It came tan colored, and I removed the foam liner to attach the mount, and remove the stock harness and add a ACH military helmet harness then reinstalled the foam. I also added goggle strap retaining loops (aka bunny ears) to the helmet for day stuff. There is a low profile battery pack along with a weight bag.

Gotta have the toys, like a mini IR strobe (the 9v battery and the clear thing taped to its top, a full size strobe and a IR illuminator by surefire and a clip on power pack so that you can use them without a helmet.

That is so awesome. How is the surefire M1 illuminator? I have a night optics 940 ELR, which throws like 300 yards, but is very concentrated. Does the M1 act as more of a flood?

I’d really love to check out that setup sometime. The ANVIS is so rad.

The M1 is pretty good. It throws a 10 foot ring at about 100 yards. More of a spot than a flood for sure. I got it as a early on prototype during the early parts of Afghanistan free from surefire. Its bullet proof and has served me well. It spots bad guys from a helicopter very nicely.

I invested in this setup mainly because its what I use in the service, and wana have it for a cool thing to show off down the road. I also have a SPH-4 and a HGU-56 flight helmet, both in brand new condition with all the ANVIS stuff.

I can neither confirm or deny that I have piloted aircraft while wearing the SPH. You can drive a car just fine with it as well, remember to turn your lights on before passing people at night, it freaks them out when a car passes them in total darkness at 55, and its not very safe for them either.

I’d love to check out your stuff, I have lots of experiance with the latest stuff in the military, it would be cool to see how good the commercial market complete setups are.

any tool used in the involvement of theft and vandalism can be subject to confiscation id imagine. Even though we all know this isnt the purpose but thats what jay got arrested and charged for during his late nite urban exploration.


Just a side note… looking at this shit has somehow led me to an airsoft forum.

Holy fuck those guys are nerds… I like some nerdy shit, but WHAT THE FUCK.

It’s fun to do with normal people. I usually only go out in the weather.

Some people LIVE for it. There called geardos. Mommy kept them locked up a few too many years.

I’m pretty sure I’m the only local idiot that has ever gone out with ANVIS to shoot night airsoft. But it’s easy to keep people honest when you can see them in the pitch black.

What is the range of a typical airsoft gun?

cheaper guns go 300 feet or so, only accurate to 100. Really nice guns can go 300 with very good accuracy.

So Night vision goggles = new best friend. sweet lol.

Funny thing is, when I got my NVG’s, I soo thought how much fun as a kid I could have, and how I would be in jail in like 3 days if I had them at 14.

Bump… a cop told me the other day that people are sitting on the beach at night with flashlights, waiting for the sea turtles lay their eggs. Apparently in the Caribbean, they are viewed as a delicacy and apparently are dug up, then sold for 300ish a piece…

Talk about an easy way to recoup your initial investment… just dont get caught with the eggs… I hear its a felony to have more than 4 on you at time…

Night vision would definitely help you fly under the radar of the local PD.


“I can snipe you at 100 yards with my airsoft gun!”

“I can snipe you at 800 yards with my real gun”


One you can have fun with your friends, the other you can make new friends in the pen.

Airsoft isn’t too bad, just don’t get too involved in the scenario play things. I’m just a fan of shooting at my brothers out in the backyard with mine, it’s fun lol

Spare helmet mount + handicam + machining + welding = quick release night vision camera (1,000,000 times better than standard camcorder night vision)

I have the daylight filter installed here:

but can you see through clothing with this?
