Got pets? Let's see them

<3 staffies

It’s happening again! Ruuuunnn!

My Brother in Law has one. Fucking OBNOXIOUS dog. She only listens to him. Barely. Dog wants to attack every other animal. Chases deer, snakes, other dogs, etc. Won’t fuck with cats though.

Staffy lovers ITT. :hug

Did he adopt his cattledog when it was older? Theyre protective but like most other pets they arent violent unless really threatened. Ogie definetly tries to fuck with other animals and people but he isnt violent at all. Me and my girlfriend got Ogie when he was 8 weeks old and we actually met him when he was only 4 weeks old so it was easy for us to establish that hierarchy. He’ll still fuck with me but when I put my foot down he knows its time to stop.

She’s isn’t violent. She’s just obnoxious. Jumps on everything and wants to be included into everything. Like she definitely thinks she is one of the kids.

Awaits next thread title change…


Some fine ass bitches ITT.

real vicous dogs

red rocket

well, my two dogs finally got this rabbit that would come in and out of my fenced in yard everyday for the past couple of months.

:rofl john i like how you snuck the pic of your kid in there hahahaha

Yea mine is definitely like that too if he hasnt been taken for a walk yet that day. Daily exercise is pretty damn important for a dog that was built to do what cattledogs can do.

My lil bastard passed out when I stopped home for lunch today, he’s claimed my spare bed as his own


I’m looking to get a female German Shepherd pup in the near future if anybody knows of one…pass it along plzzzzzz

word. that’s what this breed was bred for; hunting birds, and small game including wild boar in japan.

My wife and I wound up going to PA to get our purebred. There are some breeders just across the border in Canada too. You might be able to find somebody closer, but 3 months ago we couldn’t find a breeder that actually had any dogs. I’ll take a picture of Jack tonight and post it.

my x-girls brother has a great hookup to a breeder . he has gotten 4 dogs thru this guy and he is very legit . he just had a litter 4 weeks ago so he is lettin them go in another 3-4 weeks as long as the vets say its good to go and have there first shots .

Do you recall the breeders name or where-abouts?