got stoped by R.I.D.E program

so i got off the movies at STC tonite, as i was driving my friend home. i came into a ride program.

so the officer asked me if i had any drink, i said no, just got off the movie blah blah…

then he put his head close and look into my interrior, i have a safc and low profile boost guage somewhat hidden under my deck.

btw, i got a black coupe silvia front end, no sticker nor emblems nothing look as stock as possible minus my buddy club rims. fmic exhaust black top sr

officer:what kind of car is this…?
me: nissan 240sx…
officer: whats under the hood?
me: jus the motor…
officer: jus the motor?
me: yes
officer: so u made it look like a skyline
me: (Smiled)
Officer: how much horse ur pulling?
me: never dynoed it not sure.
officer: so u made it to just to go fast?
me: no
and he let me go lol

i supose he knew what i had under the hood, cuz i got huge intercooler…

so how would u guys answer these questions…or whats the best way to answer them if they ask whats under the hood etc??
are they allowed to inspect your car if they wanted to during a ride program?(not that it happened to me) or its only for checking drinkin and driving?

If he asks about mods just tell him:

“This is a highly modified car, specifically set up for street racing only, and MAN was I killing it tonight. She almost got a little loose at the 210km/h mark, but then after 240km/h she settled down again.”

Seriously though, it’s possible they may be just conversing to get a feel for if you’ve had anything to drink or not. If not, it’s hard to say how to answer them because it really depends on the officer/situation and why he/she wants to know…

Generally just try to be open & honest and even a little humourous if appropriate and you should be alright.

This is how I would answer given the opportunity.

officer:what kind of car is this…?
me: nissan 240sx…
officer: whats under the hood?
me:A battery, and engine, strut towers, radiater, coolant hoses, wires, steering column, engine cross member… etc
officer: jus the motor?
me: yes
officer: so u made it look like a skyline
me: No, I made it look like a 240sx. If I wanted to make it look like a Skyline. I’d buy a Skyline instead.
Officer: how much horse ur pulling?
me: I’m not pulling any horse. I don’t have a trailer hitch. and I’m not cruel to animals. Expecially ones that could kick my in the face.
officer: so u made it to just to go fast?
me: No, I made it because it 's what I like to do. I like buidling things. It’s my hobbie. Just like some people colect stamps and other coins. I build cars because it’s what I like to do…

Anyone who knows me really well. Knows I would actually say those things.

haha… maybe that’ll work…hmm…i didnt wanna say i had a sr so i can get in trouble…lol. but ya, it was scary…maybe he put his head inside to try smell for alcohol…lol…any one else got in this suitation but got their car inspected?

Yeah if they start baiting you just down play everything and be polite. You should be able to tell if a cop is really into cars, hey one was actually into Skylines and knew some shit.

Others are just trying to get info for ‘probable cause’ to get under that hood. I’ve seen it before just tell them its just for looks and you are kinda into cars or bought it as is.

yeah, i told him i got the car like this…haha…but if being honest…i had a sr, i will possibly get my car impounded? no?

Sr is not illegal, so long as your emission shit is hooked up. only way they could really ding you is if you swapped to an engine with more cylinders or using diesel or something and you didn’t adjust your ownership at the DMV accordingly.

he was smelling for alchohol and looking for ashes and the remainsa of any funny ciggies you might have been smoking, i bet you he didn’t give a sh!t about your car. I used to get that crap all the time

You shoulda just smiled when he asked you what was under the hood.

And then the officer would go: “You’re gonna make me find out the hard way?!”

And you reply: “Hell yeah”


i went through a ride program once.
cop: have u had anything to drink
me:no sir
cop: any open bottles
me: no sir
cop:looks in car to find it gutted the look on his face was priceless
cop: continue on

ride programs are bitches.
not too much hassle surprisingly in my s13,
but in my dads maxima these guys give me mad shit.
i had an open pack of backwoods and he goes:
cop “you using those as blunt wraps kid?”
me “nah i just dont like the usual belmonts or dumo’s so i smoke straight tobacco”
cop “sure you do…watch out with that shit, might give a different cop the wrong idea”
and he let me go through…god im glad i didn spark it up

i was beisde a 300c with my toons blastin and i flicked the underglow on to impress the girls in the 300 i rev she smilles i rev light goes green we both stay still she slowly pulls a head i follow i slow down to get ready for the blow by my (automatic) 240hb down shifts revs WAY up come around a corner going 85 in a 60 road check i go shit.

cop: i saw you where giving it around the corner eh?
me: no my cars an automatic
cop: have you been drinking tonight?:
me: no just came back from drifting
cop: DRIFTING!!!
me: at kawartha downs… its free!
cop: so you havn`t been drinking?
me: no
cop: ok dont go ripping around again
me: ok
cop: carry on
me: ok

and i left with under glow, bald ires and all

Sorry to jack your thread, but s13counterpart…please check your pm’s man. I’ve been trying to get a hold of you.


fyi, make sure you guys try to look as far ahead in areas where there could be a ride program when you’re wasted and if you’re driving (not that i’m suppporting this). cops tend to hang around the edges of the zone to catch any people making last minute u’s so if you need to avoid it, make sure you’re not bait when you turn off of the street before the trap.

last time i went through a ride it went like this:

i pull up to the Ride in St. Catharines in my black S13 last year… light rain.

Cop looks into the car:

  • Had anything to… oh Bing… nm i know you dont drink, go ahead.

not joking… and i know the cop, but we are not buddies or anything.

^lmao did he own a s13/s14?

HAHHAHAHAHA… sorry but this one cracked me up

I’m still trying to figure out if it’s real or a joke.

Gt pulled over by a cop just wanting to check my car out… Turned out he owned on a long tme ago

Pretty much just see how the cop is acting… If he is being a douch be a fucking douch back… and start throwing techno babble at him/ her so they get confusd an realize if they give u a ticket your goin to take them to court and they will loose because they are morons!!!

ie Cop; I heard you squaking your tires in that parking lot… blah blah blah
you: I was just turning around… car has a 2 way clutch dif that doesnt allow the rear tires to unlock causing them to chirp when I turn… etc etc etc Just use your heads guys an be smart… and you sould be coo

We have a cop around here, he is a fucking prick… If u have an exhaust on your car your goin to get pulled over as soon as he sees U… Pretty much we just dont let him intimidate us ad we call he station everytime he pulls one of us over and complain that he is profiling us because of our cars and not by our actions.

the only reason i can think that this cop new what a skyline was is because of what happened on hwy7/lesilie with those three skylines in the toronto star article

All i would say is its a turboed ka24de they wont know the difference unless they know shit about 240’s and yea do what others said say you bought it like that. Cops usually test you with the first couple of questions to see if they can fuck you or if you have common sense.