its not safe in the rain.
so its like ur damned if u do and damned if u dont.
its not safe in the rain.
so its like ur damned if u do and damned if u dont.
I guess it’s not safe if you are a non-driving mofo.
I did slow down, but I’ve been stuck in the rain with DR’s plenty of times and been fine.
I’ll risk it, thanks. I’d rather have to slow down in the rain, then have the car spinning out of control in the dry.
Or maybe just keep your right foot under control and dont cause yourself to spin out…
DRs in the rain is retarded.
the car shouldnt spin out if u are going in a stright line with comp mode on. thats what its for. but DR in the rain is spin out every turn. na, ill risk it.
Have you ever driven anything fast? Ever driven anything with drag radials?
Odd, I didn’t spin out in every turn on the 13 hour drive back with my car. Comp mode? Leave the traction control on man.
tc sucks. comp mode is moar bettar.
Competitive Driving mode allows the driver to have full control of the rear wheels while the Active Handling system helps steer the vehicle by selective brake application
Active Handling helps maintain directional control by selectively applying any one of the vehicles brakes
And your point?
TC will close the TB to overtake your ego. Not your’s specifically, just in general.
TC will close the TB and take away all fun and attempts at accelerating fast.
Comp mode will let the wheels spin freely at your right foots discression while the AH keeps the car from spining out. sounds to me like a no brainer.
im unsure y u have your shorts in a bunch over this.
TB will close, and save your ass. Re-open when the car is ready to start gaining forward momentum again. The system works VERY well.
save my ass from what? spinning the tires?
its the Active handling that saves your ass not the Traction control.
traction control is just a neusence. im not driving this thing in the snow.
Broski, I just think you’d enjoy your car much more with drag radials. Your car isin’t a DD is it?
Just buy hoho’s and don’t get caught
no its not a DD and u prob are right, but…i do plan on taking it on long trips and im a lil scared about getting caught in some kind of storm.
Deadbeat- Just get a set of Pilot Sport PS2’s for DD’ing. Fuck DR’s.
I’m down for meeting everybody whenever/wherever. I’m thinking Saturday night @ O’Tooles. 9pm sharp.
I’m sure most of you guys (Deadbeat, Ryan, Travis) would pwn me pretty good. Until I upgrade the turbos. Then you prolly still would beat me.
Yep. Solid axle, IRS, DRs, street tires, etc. If you cant keep the tail in line you dont belong behind the wheel. The traction loss we’re talking about is completely controlled by your right foot. And DRs in the rain is actually stupid because you can lose traction while coasting in a straight line.
Traction control is for big smelly vaginas.
ive NEVER lost control in a straight line even with my Et Drags. I hear all these “horror” stories, but 9/10 people just push shit too hard when they shouldnt. Ive dailied DRs for the past 5 yrs, and yes, that includes snow travel as well. They arent that bad IF you can actually drive, and you know what to expect form them.