I hate socialists. yes, hate… and am not fond of its supporters.
By the way, I made 8.33 % on Sirius today…expect the same necxt week. Hmmm… CD’s make 3% a year…this is 8% today. This game is fun because its the buzz… reality is we have committed more gov’t spending in 60 days than all previous…yes ALL previous administrations TOGETHER, since the country started. We are OFF the gold standard and do not have the gold to back up our spending…therefor we are buying on credit without the assets. If countrys like China call their loans due…we go broke as a nation…unless…we print money…and thats what were doing. When we print money, inflation occurs.
The big winner I had today was STRS, up like 40%… to bad I only invested $1000 ! sold it and made $340.
This wont hapopen overnight.
For those that dont get it, lets use China as an example. We borrowed huge from China, and rather than them taking cash in payment, they take government back securities and treasuries / bonds. Well, as the dollar loses value, when we print it, for instance, china is less likely to accept the securities, as the dollar will get weaker. Thus they will want cash, land, properties, or other types of assets…, influence , companys, or more likely things like emisssion credits. Emisssion credits will be a huge factor in the future and these credits will carry huge value and will stifle US industry.
As we agree as a nation, with clean air acts and other global desires, we , as a nation will not have enough credits to ever do manufacturing again without huge expense, not including our desired labor rates and unions that other developing nations dont have… where does that leave us down the road.
China, to use an an example, can raise the prices of products and we can not responf with American products with any force, and future growth here is stifled by all mentioned above.
The bottom line is not necessarily doom and gloom for the average person, but its higher taxes, harder to prosper and break out, and certainly out rights and liberties are dwindling. Its a slope and we are on it.
I for one, will do as the dirty boys of wall st are doing… play the game. I am sure they on wall st are making a mint while they can. While Obama continues to campaign daily, and tells of future strength, and others begin to re-invest… someone needs to gain…and lose.
We should start a stock group that meets mo0nthly and research and invest as a group…but no one has money. 2500 each would get it going!