the house doesnt sell for awhile and he has to cover 2 places to live or sleep in a cardboard box in ohio
Exactly… or move back here and leave that job anyways… It’s a no-win situation to take the offer.
I talked with Cameron a while back and was told I had a job… for almost 2 months I was told I had a job (after 2 or 3 interviews and them telling me they wanted me like crazy); I just never got the official from HR letter/call and my “boss” stopped calling me to let me know what was going on.
Can’t hurt to try again with them; they are only like 2 miles from my house; and they just hired an ex co-worker of mine.
Hit the first link. Go a couple pages in. Mechanical equipment. Mechanical design. Valves. Control Systems. Process. Project Controls. Project management. We are hiring. I don’t have enough pull to offer you any help, but polish your resume. Have others review/edit. If your GPA is below a 3.0, leave it off.
I work at cameron and last i heard (a few days ago) all hiring is on HOLD for now. There trying to cut unnecessary costs to hit there quarterly goal. But it doesnt hurt to try.
Don’t forget to look into Praxair R&D jobs…
I can get $$ if you fill out the proper form and you get hired into R&D here lol
Ouch, That sucks buddy. I will keep my eyes open. As always use me as a reference if needed.
Hope it works out. As much as I hate to say it I think MOOG is hiring.
As far as getting out of the house crisis if you can’t sell it…Find a crackhead with a gun and give him 50 bucks to light it up.
Seriously though, sorry to hear.