Gotta love drug dealers

Guess they are having a war or something… about a miunte of full auto gunfire down in the ghetto… second night ive heard gunshots from down there… oh well glad i live on top of the hill :hs:

a real man would go down there and clean up his town. But you’re too busy ironing your tutu on on the safe little hill. you fucking disgust me.

have at it bitch…besides let them kill themselves off so they stop breeding… best idea ever. although i wouldnt have a problem breakin out a bat and beating some ass if i seen someone snooping around my house…

That sucks, stay safe and duck.

I’m really sorry the last time we hung out that I didnt put my coat down on that puddle so you didnt have to step in it. Also, I hear theres a sale on purses at JCPennys this weekend.

Darkstar is impervious to standard ammunition.

How about AP? :naughty:

fat deflects bullets now?

this thread looks like its going to be fun.
stop being pussies and shoot someone.
you can take them out from the comfort of your own home. your already in perfect firing position…

where do you live?

east liverpool, ohio

didnt know drugs were THAT bad around here till last week. Guess a girl got pulled over with a trunk full of coke… and they arrested like 100 people from the ghetto in a big raid… fuckin crazy.

don’t really know how big east liverpool is, but I read a story in the post-gazette that said alot of dealers are abandoning big cities, like detroit, for smaller ones in ohio and wv. There are good roads for them to drive on, so they go to detroit to buy, then sell at really inflated prices in the small towns where the addicts don’t have alot of dealers to buy from.

I think there was a big dealer that got busted here in pittsburgh from detroit.

east liverpool was filled with mafia in the 80’s

looks like the gang bangers took over.
shoot first ask nothing later :slight_smile:

Bet most there are wishin’ the mafioso would return now.

they migrated to akron

youngstown… and the mafia there is pretty much dead.

i know a few hitmen from when i worked at the club… they were nice as hell.

fat jokes dont work on me anymore. I’m skinny now. not 8 year old girl skinny like yourself, but nonetheless…

This is awesome lol.