
get the fuck outta this thread with that talk. Only track i’ll run by those guys is @ NJMP, and since there’s fluff on the ground I doubt the track conditions suit all you tarmac boys.

It’s wednesday or bust. weekends are crowded and I hate the kids there. take the day off, skip school, ditch your parents and sneak out of the house for all i care. those that can’t make it should make their own race day. I’m with jammer. I’ll go as long as wayne is there so we can see what’s up :tongue


lol dude i can’t go that wednesday. :frowning: i have that friday off already, which isn’t a weekend!!!

How much it cost?

i think i spent around $90 when we all went…i think 2 years ago?

Alright well it looks like enough people wanna go on a weekend where you can go with them

I’m going on wed the 9th

Dude its okay come with us on the Wednesday in two weeks

Kramee ill figure it out and get you a ride somehow but last time you didn’t call or show for cherry valley so idk if your srs

Go with the weeekend guys

Whoops read above


Fucking bitches. Do you guys have any control of your life smh

Wednesday the 9th cya then adam


Who’s driving me? Will provide half of the gas moneyz.

talk to the others going, I’m going up with jammer, if he will have a seat free then you can ride with us
adam you taking any passengers or willing to?

If no one has an open seat I can drive, I just drive a piece of shit and don’t like to. Saving half of the gas would be siqq too. Let me know dudes.

i’de like ya to ride with us, not a problem… just cant commit until i know about seating

I can give a couple people a lift no problem. I can fit three others, gas monies would be better split anyway because the slut gets 14mpg.

See you guys 9th

have we decided a time to meet there or a meet place and all that shizzle?

havent decided yet, what time did we meet the first time? im thinking about 9 or 10 in the morning or maybe as late as 11 ? not sure… i guess it depends on if there is a certain time we need to start racing by…

you’re better off checking their schedule to see what they have going on that day. they often have events and shit going on and may not open track until later in the day.

im down w/e, if jammers got an extra seat ill take it

I was in no shape to attend the karts over the summer, that was my B that i couldn’t make it and didnt give you guys notice. I’ll give a definite yes or no answer once a date is nailed down for this

Send me cars in GT5… FYI you are a horrible event coordiantor

Gatville ride with us we got room I’m sure ill confirm tonight

Date is nailed its Wednesday the 9tj as in nineth

Kramer u coming?

I’ll ride with boxer if it’s cool with him.

Not sure yet I’ll let you know ASAP.