Good for thursDAY.

I’m actually going to meet JVG in Colonie and go with him and Brad since his car gets double the MPG that my truck gets. We are probably going to hit up a brewery on the way home :smiley:

One of you PHUKZ give me a ride.

I’ll be DD from the brewery. :lol

oh i think you’re so in now :lol

I’ll ask jon later when i shoot him on cod.

our car is gettin full but worst case comes worst, we’ll figuer some shit out

great, tell me how it goes.

we are going wednesday the 9th, once again… wednesday the 9th

:rofl So tuesday right?

Youre a fucker singh.

Im in if CJ is going.

I have school

i know man i know, but we gotta stick to the date, i’de love to change it, but thats not gonna happen… its wednesday the 9th and i dont think cj should drive one of them because i dont respond well to brake checks

yeah , get there tuesday, if im not there just wait for me… might take me up to 24 hours to get there tho

take it offfff bro ! fuck it !

Kramerfag, I’ll get ya,let me know where…gatville,your riding with me, and Singh… but I have a garage full of shit that needs to be emptied again, same one… it’ll more than pay your way and day at GPNY.

Capital, may be able to help if my brother bails. Should know soon

We really should go on a Friday. I don’t know if you guys have done the supertrack, but it’s amazing.

i have, good shit

its wednesday the 9th, date is not changing

His much is it to race there? I’m 6’6 290 will I even fit in the goddamn things? :rofl

youll fit, like ya fit anywhere else…with some scrunching. plan on $95 for 4 races and lisence. Plus food or whatever.

Ehem I do not “scrunch” to fit everywhere else TYVM.:rofl

Hahaha cossey didn’t have a problem when he went with us a couple years back and I think he was actually haulin ass lol

I’m gonna take a huge shit right before we leave for Mount Kisco and shed about 25% of my body weight :haha

Also, I have an extra kart chest protector, size med, that someone can borrow if they prefer. I wear one now ever since Clark and I collided head on at DT turn 1, and I was all but ejected from the cart.

hahaa, im pretty light my self so im gonna give you a good run , dont you worry about that

im planning to do best overall :rofl srsly tho, srs i’ll win bitches, dont even bother

im just going for mass destruction and running mf-ers off the track, i cant remember how many times i got yelled at for ramming people last time haha

i would go to this if I dident have jury duty

