GPNY Wednesday 12/23

Kramer’s like 250 though right? Or is he going to leave the neck off the kart this time?



I really wanna go again that was so much fun.

The last race me Shady 82exp and a couple others were tandem drifting or at least trying to :lol

I think he weighs the same as me, which is 205ish.
These are the best times I remember. This was on the uptown? track. The one on the right as you walk in.

dkid(175?) - 29.988
cazwrx (207) - 30.012
kramerbuccs (205?)- 30.3 ?

Oh, nice… Actually I figured Kramer was under 200, and I thought you were 220, but now I guess you guys are pretty even. I don’t think I’ve ever run the uptown track there… You guys must be pretty familiar with it by now…

First time I’ve been on it. It was the second time for them. At the last shift trip to gpny I was 225 lol.



im actually like 210 now :facepalm started running 3 miles/day again so hopefully ill be back in the 190-195 range, i lost like 15+ lbs ever winter when i was xc skiing so we’ll see

ive done downtown once and uptown twice, can’t really remember downtown too much but i do enjoy uptown.

does anyone want to set up a “shift official” event on 1/17 or 1/18? id love to go again before i go back to school and i know the guilderland squad feels the same way

fuck it ill just make a thread

i didnt know u guys were going. i have 2 free passes for that place i want to check it out.

everytime we post about it we get shit for it :facepalm

They got new 9hp carts…but it cost $300 to get the training to use them…fuckers

$300 is costly man… That’s like a set of damn tires!!

Set of tires in Miata size :rofl

True, I’ve almost forgotten there are sizes out there larger than 15"