meet to cruise up to lg saturday night

who wants to meet up at the park and ride around 7 to cruise up to LG to be there around 8:30

what park and ride?

exit 8

might be down, this is a car ride?


Also might be down for this…



I’ll most likely be there . Hopefully hot bottle aNd slicked up

ohhhh:rofl I can’t believe you’re skipping this btw. JONATHAN.

:frowning: I have no choice.


I have work till 9 so this is a no go.

Not goin at all or just not to PnR?

Probably at all. i wanted to ride with you but, im not making you wait

Ill be there. Do you wanna do a few N/A runs drew? Dont jew me by hitting the bottle :lol

Fuck Adam . What the ltgun ain’t worth it

Get that on video.

naah man …we ridin sleds, jetski’s and magic carpets…:lol