GPNY Wednesday 12/23

I know its short notice but a few of us are heading down. Im gauging interest on who else wants to come. Were going to the arrive and drive at 12pm. I have 1 more open seat in my moms pilot if anyones interested.

I’d love to come kick all your asses, but I gotta work. :frowning:

Car is now full. I bet you would you skinny son of a bitch lol

Really one day ahead of time?

WTF is wrong with you.


mad weak its way too early to do anything about this, im broke as hell too , holidays F M L !

ill drive if somebody pays for me.

We just decided to go today. Sorry…

they are closed tomm. just got an email.

next week for the win…plan it too

ya they are closed tommrow hahaha.

Next week maybe.

i have been trying to get a trip going. lets plan for next week sometime. my bday is tuesday if anyone cares :slight_smile:

any more details on trip next week? :slight_smile: Can we get another pool going on this? LOL!!

Still trying to pay for that lift homie?!

Well, you’re not taking any of my hard earned money this time (‘cause I ain’t goin’!!! :lol)

hahahahah! I can’t wait till we can go to a real outdoor track again this summer… I’d love to get my own setup like you got. We’ll see, summer is a ways away yet and a LOT of coke can be sold between now and then :wink:

:rofl :rofl :rofl

HMMM i might be down for next week, Ill be up in montreal tues-thurs but i really want to get a 28.xx on uptown.

IN for once again a 230lb fat dood can beat krammer/others times :slight_smile:

:rofl i fuckin knewwwwwwwwwwwwwww it

i just fuckin knew it

nah man nah, in d-burg we deal shine ni99ah!

:rofl :rofl