GPS systems

well i am interested in getting one of these for the car
and first off i am “noob” on gps’
now is there a system where i can type 2 adresses and it will direct me to the location. i know ther are some circuit city/ best buy/ cmp usa heads on here, so please help me out
and ill wait on pricing options untill i learn more about the units.

do you have a laptop? If so u can buy map software and a gps reciever. If not I cant really help

yeah i do, how much do those systems usually run.
But, i would rather have a small little system i can just install into my car

yeah it would be really anoyying hauling a laptop to ur car everyday for directions

Ya im, pretty sure that anything worth while that you can perm install in a car is going to be well over 600, unless you are just talking about something hand held. I think that “tomtom” one that I always see on tv is like 1200. I bought MS streets 2005 and it came with the gps device for 79.xx

It was on sale I thnk its about 109 for the regular price.

Search for gps for laptop on google or soemthing to see what im talking about.

It works awesome I love it as I do alot of driving and use it everyday, but then again I use it in my work van so I don’t care about a laptop sitting next to me, you might think otherwise.

well, you can easliy build a small computer that is non-laptop that you could maybe mount in your glovebox or trunk and do the same thing as with a laptop for under $300 bux. all you would need is a mini-case, power source, HD, Internet card, and motherboard. then run the monitor cable to a screen to use as your monitor. that is my plan anyway for next season to run my tunning/datalogging software in my car at all times.

i have 4 for my pda, all work well, and now i never get lost :slight_smile:

I bought my girlfriend the Magellan RoadMate 300. Works perfectly, voice guided directions. Look into that one, it’s the lowest priced one on the market so far. I paid $420 plus tax for it.

Yeah, about your best bet for flexability is to sport a PDA and a GPS system.

You get all the benefits of GPS, but since you are running it off a PDA, you also
get the benefits of a PDA as well. I made a pretty killer mount for my EVO, and
it all works VERY well.

With the PDA, you can keep track of your contacts throught Outlook, and have it direct
you right to that address listed in Outlook.

Plus, you can use the PDA for all sorts of other crap, like surfing NYSpeed if you get a
PDA with wireless.

In the 6+ months of research I did looking for a GPS system for the car, I came to the
conclusion that the ABSOLUTE best bet for in car GPS is either a laptop system, then
the PDA based version, and then all the other GPS systems out there.

Basically, the PDA version will do EVERYTHING that any of the “GPS” only units will do,
plus TONS more of non-related GPS stuff.

Basically, get a Dell PDA and the GPS system in their bundle package, and you will be
all set.

The only upgrade I recommend after that, is get the wireless bluetooth base for the
GPS receiver.

Hmm ^Cool… good info

The EU just launched the first satellite for thier version of GPS, which is supposed to be more accurate and less likely to be shut down periodically.

i got the gps with dell and sent it back, i bought a BT gps and its much better, i liked tomtom but then i got another one that is much better, at least more POI’s than tomtom, but if you get apda or whatever, i have all the gps programs on my ftp. you can try them out if u like.

garmin has some PDA units startint at 399
otherwise go to magellan they have good stuff.