Graffitti Problem in west deer

WEST DEER, Pa. – Over the weekend, a billboard on the hill along Little Deer Creek Valley Road across from the Shop And Save was spray-painted with the words “Welcome to Nazi town” and “Kill Whitey.”

People who live in the area are not just worried about who is behind the vandalism but also why it took so long to cover up. Neighbors were upset because the township did not remove or cover it immediately after it was discovered on Monday.

An upset resident, Frederick Marks, commented, “We have housing developments. People coming into town that want to move here, and what if they see this? It has to be stopped and you can’t leave it up all the time.”

Township police say it’s the billboard company’s responsibility to remove the graffiti. The owner of the Shop And Save, Tom Beter, who also leases the land to Lamar told reporters he has contacted the company and is waiting for a response.

Tuesday afternoon, Beter took matters into his own hands and spray-painted over the offensive language as a temporary solution until the billboard can be removed.

Police are asking anyone who may have seen the vandals at work to call them.

can someone find a pic of this billboard??

was on the news

Hahahaha, West Deer sucks. My girlfriend saw the sign on her way home from dinner yesterday and told me about it. Lemme see if she grabbed a cell phone pictures.

that reminds of a billboard that was up during the 1980’s during the big MLB drug trials in pittsburgh. Someone climbed up on a thrift drug billboard that said " pittsburgh’s #1 Drug Store" the used a huge banner to cover up the part that said thrift drug so the sign would instead read “pittsburgh’s #1 drug store… the pirates clubhouse” it was on the front page of the paper.

Stuff like that “kill whitey” is a lil past random graffitti thou. taggers and graffiti people should get their hands cut off.

my brother and I saw this on the way to work and had never laughed so hard. find pictures because it was awesome!

The people that were recently temp banned are prime suspects. :smiley:
