Grammar police... where are you?

If you’re going to yell at the casual poster here, hopefully you’re emailing wkbw and holding them accountable as well.

Buffalo Police Officer David Garcia was injured in a hit and run accident while responding to a call on South Park Avenue in Buffalo on June 30th. He was on duty at the time. He died 28 days later in a funeral without full police death benefits. His partner told 7 News that he believes his partner died in the line of duty, but that his in dispute. Buffalo Police tell 7 News they are looking into what happened.

I guess it’s convenient to die in a funeral. At least they don’t have far to move you.


David Garcia WAS the grammar police, duh.

I’m pretty sure you missed one, straight out of the SAT’s or GMAT’s or something:

His partner told 7 News that he believes his partner died in the line of duty,

While that’s a bit of a shitfuck, I’m pretty sure that you can’t use the same pronoun (he/his) for 2 different people in the same sentence. What that’s saying is:

Garcia’s partner told 7 News that Garcia believes Garcia’s partner died in the line of duty,

^ Good point. I think my brain just has a failsafe. After so many grammar mistakes or 9/11 conspiracy posts it just auto-ignores.

Wait a minute, WTF?
Was he working a funeral(traffic, etc) when he died?
What is in dispute?
That whole article is f’ed up!

I think it’s saying he died 28 days later, and had a funeral without full police benefits. They’re disputing whether or not he died in the line of duty. I think they let an engineer write the article.


That whole article is f’ed up!


That was the point of my post. :stuck_out_tongue: