Great deal on 150CC Scooter $650 CRAIGSLIST

Good deal. these things will go 65mph+ and get 70mpg.

Someone grab this!

i am thinking of getting one of these

well you won’t find one cheaper than that, the cheapest I see them for used is like $900-1000…when they are only $1200 new. Excellent resale value :wink:

I have had more fun on my scoot than both my rockets combined. Check out scootdawg forums for details on the wildfires. They are on the higher end of Chinese manufactured scooters.

cool will do

as soon as i find a job locally i am going to get one

and you think 150cc’s will support your slender figure?

i was going to duct tape 2 together

haha…I ride 2 people on mine all the time…it pulls good.

They have a CVT drivetrain so they are always at peak HP


if you like going 30mph

Sorry for whoring but Wildfire stuff is not the greatest. My uncle’s shop sold them for a while, they had a lot of problems and did not receive good support from the manufacturer either.

They quit dealing Wildfire scooters and I think they now sell Kymco, about which I haven’t heard any big problems (though they are also $1600 for the entry level 50cc). About 1/3 of the Wildfire bikes seemed to be relatively reliable, others never quit breaking. Without strong evidence of a shift in quality/support, I would be very wary about picking one up as they now have a pretty solid reputation as chinese junk.

1.) First off, look in a mirror (or your signature) and lets talk about junk.

2.) Of course Kymco are better scoots, they are 2.5-3 times the price.

3.) Its $650, you will get every penny out of it.

These are NOT made for someone that has ZERO knowledge on general repairs… let me rephrase, if you are a 40 year old women buying then you may want to stick to the $6,000 Suzuki/Yamaha scooters.

i.e. The U.S. gas eats right through the Chinese fuel lines. The first thing you half to do to prep. the thing is remove ALL rubber fuel lines and replace. Many dealerships don’t know this. Once you get the few bugs worked out they are great. They also use IDENTICAL GY6 motors as the Kymco does.