Great Read:Guy sells off all his stuff to buy a Lambo and drive across country

I 100% support this guys decision. He’s got no regrets, and thats what matters.

Yea but every one else knows whats good for people they have never met.

thats pretty damn cool!

WOuldent suprise me if Lambo got wind of this and helped the guy out… Car manufacturers have done it in the past with some of these crazy stories

thats awsome id do the same damn thing in a heart beat

Well, I remeber one particular fortune cookie read:

You can always sleep in your car, but you can never race your house.


that was a great story.

To summarize this thread, I’ll quote Jalopnik.

We’re honestly not the same mixture of crazy bold and just crazy it takes to ditch everything and put ourselves massively in debt for a dream on a whim. Yet whether you think Richard’s journey is the greatest achievement in history or just a tad bit irresponsible, it’s hard to deny the spirit of recovering from a catastrophic dumping by selling all you can and buying the car of your dreams.