Great Read:Guy sells off all his stuff to buy a Lambo and drive across country

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Awesome read.

wow thats awesome

I personally would have chose a Z06 but cool story regardless

No wonder his wife left him, he looks like a fuckin’ goon.

Sad and awesome story.

Good for him. Wish I had the means to pack up and travel for awhile.

I wish I could do that but really I think Id settle for taking a less expensive vehicle like my truck and do it.

I think the point of it was to escape his past. Why he paid $180K for a Gallardo brand new is beyond me but he did. Drove it till he ran out of money and has one hell of a story to tell now.

and a broken car now too.

paul is literally the ultimate debbie downer

epic story. I can see myself doing the same thing some day.

Story sucks, dude sucks, spend FAR less and do it in a decent car. But hey, if you’ve got not social skills and your hot ass wife leaves, you, ya gotta do what you gotta do.


It’s called living, rather than being surrounded by walls of tope paint.

Yea, he racked up a ton of debt. But he has a story and experiences that 99% of people don’t have.

No, it’s stupid. A ton of debt that will take forever to pay off if he ever manages to pay it off. Not many people in their right mind would do that. There are plenty of people out there that sell off everything they own and travel the country, the only difference in this guy’s situation is he bought a car he truly couldn’t afford.

His cluster/steering wheel looks a lot like a B5 Audi’s…

Because it is.

fuck bitches.

I don’t see how people can hate on this guy. It’s an awesome story, and the car fits perfectly. Sorry it’s not a C5/C6/Z or something similar. The guy gave up a ton of shit to be with his now ex, and when she left maybe he figured it wouldn’t be any different if he gave up everything again. Driving across the country several times in an exotic car… If that’s not a dream, then I don’t know what is.