Greatest Invention..

Possibly of all time…


2 Questions…

How much?


I’m ready for lunch and this looks scrumdiddlyumpschus

59 cents…

any gas station

Lots of vending machines too. :tup:


Lots of vending machines too. :tup:



i find it easiest to grab some when im at the gas station…also gotta get some 99cent Arizona ice teas

How did i not ever see these before? I’m thinking two of these, a redbull and a butterfinger ftw.

the butter crunch one is better

and it was awarded the coveted automated vending machine pastry of the year award… i used to eat 2-3 of these every time i worked… and i am 5’11-6ft and 145 lbs… and i didnt gain a lb… theres a solid 10-20 grams of trans fats and 500ish calories…

this shit doesnt make sense. but they are soo tasty

oh fuck… man i havent had one of these in awhile

I feel like going to the store and buying one now…
damn you.

I much prefer the wegmans bakery kind. 8 for a couple bux and those things are baller.

I was actually looking for pigtails of a bun warmer.


2 Questions…

How much?


I’m ready for lunch and this looks scrumdiddlyumpschus


50 cents.
My vending machine.(At work)

Never had one though.

Prepackaged Cinnamon buns can’t be as good as a bakery…