Greenpie Surprise

Copper is in your turn, stealing your attention…:rofl:rofl:rofl


:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao


Kinda looks staged… cop was already sitting on the brakes. Either way, still pretty funny.

Cop has the window down and the sport bikes aren’t quiet, he knew it was coming, he just expected it to be a bit more challenging.




But it’s understandable, he was gunning it, saw a cop and first natural reaction is to hit the brakes. :ponder

He wasn’t going that fast was he? Had he not dropped and continued going, would the cop have had a reason to pull him over?

And about the cop being on the brakes already. I just saw (10 minutes ago on my way into work) a bethlehem cop doing the same thing, so it must be semi-common practice.

^ :facepalm

On the upside he didn’t lowside into the cop.

i love the title :rofl

hes lucky him or the bike didnt go off tha embankment