
from panama city beach…

how’s buffalo?

warm and sunny.


Beautiful here!

Did you really need to start a new thread to tell everyone you went to Florida?

yep i did

its hot as balls here

Yeah you really picked a terrible time to go. It’s not even enjoyable heat. I went this past October and also in march, it was perfect, 80 and sunny

(I also didn’t start a new thread for either trip)

personally for me, the warmer the better, i have lived in the south before and i’ll take the heat over the snow any day

congrats on no new thread, could you not afford internet at the time?

that was a terrible joke

i think everyone on here has been to florida atleast 10 times (exaggeration obviously) , so it’s really not that cool. And it’ll probably rain more there than it will here anyways.

it wasn’t a joke, thats the joke…

I’ve been more times than i can count, the perks of living a few hours away for years ,but either way its nicer than buffalo, dont be a hater

Then just move there…?

I for one would sure as fuck not be on nyspeed while i am in florida though.

i’m sitting here eating breakfast waiting to head out on the jetski, meh nothing to do right now

I keep saving my pennies hoping that some day I too can afford the 180 dollar round trip flight to Florida.

Today I was just thinking about the last time I went to Florida, I’m overdue for another trip down.

florida sucks.

never been

cool, this flight didn’t cost me a penny though…

How much doll hairs for an round trip to there?

actually $10, frequent flyer miles, bro

Thats natty chill brah.

An even better thread would have been him telling everyone he went to Panama City and stopped eating meat while there. :wink: lol