Grrrrrr... renting rant

thanks guys… bah, I’ll just be glad to GTFO of raintree. I just hope it’s worth it for them to nickle and dime people like that (not a very good buisness pratice atleast)… I can’t wait until they see the gas bill next month :smiley: I wish I could bottle it up and bring it with me to the next place lol

James, what kind of rent? size of places? shoot me a PM brother :tup:

I’d like to stay in the north towns, but honestly… I have yet to find a place thats “worth it” in this area. I need to find someone renting a house or something. Shit, my last place was HUGE (ask JustinH)… probably like 2000 sq ft, HUGE yard, a garage, full basement, 2 living rooms, 2 bedrooms, full kitchen with a booth, ect. and it was cheep as hell. I miss that place :frowning: I didnt know how good I had it. Not even to mention that my landlord(s) were very good people :tup: I enjoyed staying there