Gruppe M Cryogenic Intake System

From the '06 Tokyo Auto Salon

Gruppe M tuner guru Mamoru Ogose talked up one of the wildest ideas to hit the internal-combustion engine in some time: a cryogenically cooled intake system that practically freezes the intake charge before it enters the combustion chamber. Ogose promises impressive power gains to any car.

hasnt that been around for years? I know i’ve seen the same thing (or very similar) before.

but that would be sweet for FI applications

ya old news, cool nonetheless…

yea, there was another company that did it. cryo2 or something like that

the idea seems sound, but i have never seen any supporting dynos

I know ford did something similar on a Lightning concept a few years ago. Damn that hurts saying Ford.

ford has an regenerative intercooler system that uses the A/C system to cool (?water?) which is then used to cool the intake charge on demand

the ystem operates for like 20 seconds, then takes a few minutes to recharge before it can be used again

you might as well just spray the car since you need just about all the same parts anyway.

i could actually see it working well on cars running lots of boost.

yeah a buddy of mine almost convinced me to do this to my stealth a few years back. I almost did too :slight_smile:

DEI had that system at the 2004 PRI show

i have read that using a very small shot (35) cools intake charge on boosted cars much better.

Gruppe M sucks… and is overpriced

j/k. I have a Gruppe M and I like it

Is there any data on cooling % per CFM?

i actually have the DEI CRYO2 system but just the intercooler sprayer part cause that thing u stick in the intake just looks a little restrictive to me but i have been thinking about gettin it.

DEI has great information on their site about it

that little thing in the intake has great aerodynamic properties :tup: :wink: