GT5.18 Players List

Trying to compile a list of GT5 players, post up if you wanna share you PSN ID. Subscribe to this thread so it is easier to find.

G25 User: see this post for button layout

Enjoy the game and see you all online. :thumbup

GT5 Player List:

  • RocketPunch - rocketpunch1221
  • ReDevil - WiiDevi7
  • Cossey - CosseyOwns
  • SG-GSR - gtp_sg_gsr
  • Mafdark - mafdark
  • KillerBlackbird - KillerBlackbird
  • Boxersix - P-car962
  • carzwrx187 - cazwrx187
  • dkid15 - Drkim1234
  • Wayne64SS - Wayne64SS
  • crazybrew609 - crazybrew609
  • JVG Motorsports - JVGM
  • AlpineSkiier - ChrisLeonidas89
  • notSlow - FreshE112b

If/When I get it, I believe my PSN is CosseyOwns.

Reporting in.

I already add you to the list, I only knew 3 people from here that will get the game so far…

I know that, I saw it before I posted. I wanted to make a lame CS reference. :lol


How obvious.

G-Turismo, fuck yeah. Here to save the mother fucking day yeah!

PSN ID = P-car962

I’m going to have to make a PSN account tomorrow in anticipation of picking up a copy of this game.

I’ll let you know of my user tag when it becomes available.


I’ll be picking up a copy sometime this week.

Bring it!

damn, I’m on my way to Albany for the holiday. Can’t pick up my copy until friday. :frowning:

Mine’s Drkim1234. Ill be picking up a copy next week. I just splurged on the logitech setup.

Wayne64SS = Wayne64SS

You are such a loser that you didn’t join the rest of us folks who went out at 2am to go buy it


Yeah, bring it fo sho!


Mine will be delivered today


Thats funny I didnt see you playing last night…

Just sayin lol

fuuuuuuuuuuuuck I want to play. Adam, stop playing long enough to check your messages. LOL

Just got my copy. We gotta do time trials with your setup. :excited