GT5 Time Trail laptimes thread

How long does this competition last? The demo will still work after the winners are declared, right? I am going to try and play it tonight. I have only done the one lap when I first DL the demo, lol.

I think until the 25th of january. After than it cannot be downloaded but you can still play it.

I’m giving it a shot either tomorrow or Sunday. We should have to post up screenshots so noone can cheat.

Or we could just look up our usernames

bah, I bought the GT27 wheel and apparently they aren’t allowing traction control with the wheels. I thought I was going to drop my time a few seconds.

you guys cant add each other as friends and then go to the leaderboards on a friends only leaderboard? xbox live ftw

damn, you’re right. This game is so much better on xbox.

i was talking about a friends only leaderboard, your right though, we dont have the luxury of experiencing the ground breaking GT5 demo, that took 4 years to make, on xbox live.

just played the demo today after downloading it forever ago. i’ll deff get the game but i don’t think ill ever play the demo again.

I play at Shane’s on his name(SG GSR).

my sn on psn is cazlax187

updated times
1:40.371 tuned(no aids)
1:52.865 normal