coughshe’s a girlcough
unless you also do meshes and texturing, I doubt almost any company would just hire an animator, they want do-it-alls these days.
you got a portfolio site?
Oh, they taught me to do it all. Modeling/texturing/rigging/animating/rendering. Demo reel is currently in progress. Maybe I’ll post it on here once it’s further along.
lol honest mistake Anyways sorry I shouldnt have assumed
modeling and texturing is something you can learn in a week and master over months if you got a desire for it. I always feared modeling and even more so texturing then I actually got my head into 3ds max for a few days and realized its probally one of the most easiest phases of game dev ever or at least game modding from what we do at my site. Animation is really cool but I never got into it other than some video intros etc but I know some people really really get good with, look at the crazy frog guy !