I have a very shitty blackberry video of it. He was crusing down transit and I got next to him at a 40mph roll, we both got on the gas and he lost a half car length and he stomped on the brakes. I got behing him and followed him onto the onramp the the 400. I passed him on the inside them stomped on my brakes. Oh yeah here comes the funny part, I was driving a Mini Cooper S (COOL CAR, BUT NOT A FAST CAR).

Oh yeah I am the guy he left the message on my cell phone. I am still waiting for him to kick my ass :slight_smile:

i thought we all knew this already. Infact, i think there is already a thread about it…something about a “Callout” or something.

yea we already knew he does this. why did u make your own thread when there already is one about him.

Mini Cooper S is not a cool car :lol:

^^^ x2… a gay guy down the street from me just bought one a few weeks ago though and he continuously romps the hell out of it past my house…

hes gotta romp on something when the significant other is not around lol

lol because the original poster has a shit ton of other cars.


My hot ex GF with huge fake tots just bought one.

mini’s are awesome. Especially for auto-x.

hey I will be here for ya when your trans blows 2-3 gear out.


lol this kid will never live it down.

thats funny u where on the sholder on the on ramp…ur an ass haha

is it white with black trim?

I think I seen you today going by my house in the mini lol.

A gay guy I used to work with also bought a john cooper works

mini a few months ago and always used to tell me how siqq fast it was.

I wonder if its the same guy.

Is this young fella indeed a jew?

doubt it. A Real jew wouldn’t have bought a salvaged car.
