Guatemala gets goatsed

The Gates of Hell Just Opened In Guatemala
“This can’t be real” was my first thought. Then I checked the source: The Guatemalan government. This sinkhole appeared last sunday in a street intersection of Ciudad de Guatemala. Just looking at the photo gives me vertigo.

A sinkhole is a natural depression caused by the removal of underground soil by water. Usually, it happens when the substrate is formed by limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds or any other rock that is easily eroded by water streams. The process could be slow, but sometimes the land just cracks open without notice. In this case, it happened suddenly, swallowing an entire house. The cause: Massive underground water torrents created by tropical storm Agatha.

Another link to it… all I can say is fucking hell 200ft


that pic looks fake…idk…crazy

It would make an interesting spelunking trip.

There are videos of it.

links to said vids?

---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ----------

links to said vids?

there is a link in the comments of the OP’s link.

Read this earlier this morning on the Giz…

Some neighbors claim that a whole three-story building and a house fell into the hole.


Wow could you imagine falling through there and surviving and somehow laying down there unable to have anyone help you.

Thats freaky cuz just last night I had a dream that involved a sinkhole.

Wonder what the city does with something like this now.

If their smart…charge admission

Someone needs to get a camera on a rope inside there.

And in other news, here is a fat Indonesia baby smoking a cigarette.

jesus that is fucked

for the lazy…



silver surfer