“you cracka ass cracka! you aint nothin but a mothafuckin mothafucka”
Lets turn these frowns upside down,this never gets old.
/random vid
its absolutley retarde d that people thinks so muhc into thies shit… stereeo typsd will be stereroet ypes… you can’t shy away from that…amd thinkgs lie this empahsizr these stereo tyes ,… oh god i;ll srepsond tomrorow
oh hi i upgraded your ram
im drunk too.
has anyone looked at where this pic is hosted from??? some interesting shit…
Onoes, she sucked cock so damn hard he came back to life. Wtf, lol
^ omg.
i just want to be angry and fight the evil white people in this thread.
but instead i gave in and loled
im not here to change anybody. but i feel like one of the worst things about buffalo (and WNY) is how segragated and racist people are . I wouldn’t raise a child around here. People say nigger, and i call them on it because i dont think it is ever funny, and they are all like “ooo it was a joke,” or “well dave chapelle said this”. I dont fucking care. I grew up in the middle of the sticks, and i saw how ignorant everyone around me was (god forbid there were like 4 black families in my whole town). All these kids in my high school just basically inheritied these bullshit ideals, and i know half of them dont mean the shit they say but it comes anyways about because it is cool to be an asshole.
newman, your response was is just part of the classic buffalo passive aggressive attitude. dont take a stand on anything.
when did you turn into such a goddamn pussy.
i ain’t no pussy. i can throw these things!!!
you used to punk.cause you were mad. or mad cause you were punk, now i cant remember.
I see it the same way. People, GET THE FUCK OVER YOUR SELF, who cares if your black, white, brown, red, yellow, male female, christian, muslim, jewish, short, fat, tall, skinny… we as a society need to just let this shit go and laugh at ourselves. I hate the stupid fuckin “your a racist” coments, you know what, i’ve worked in the service with every type of person in this country, and call all of them friends. There is good in all sects, and bad as well. But we need to just drop the “i’m different” and “that offends me” shit and live life. For fucks sake i hate this shit. We are all AMERICANS, and nothing else.
Some day you guys will get it…
dont use my words nigga lova
i wouldn’t really care if this were among my friends because i know where they stand, but in a public forum, where nobody can tell where you’re coming from? stupid.
this is true… but i know where i stand, so w/e.