The finger pain thing-
You do NOT need rough tips to play, if they are hurting, especially on an electric, you gotta change the way you play.
just some tips:
Pretend you’re holding a baseball, that’s how your hand should look , with your thumb in the center of the back of the neck. keep your elbow out, not shoved in to your side. If your wrist strains, push your elbow forward, there shouldnt be much of a bend in your wrist.
This should pretty much account for the reason your fingers are hurting. You’re not literally playing on the “tips”, more so than the pads of your fingers. Put them at a 45 degree angle from the strings, away from your nails.
A site I’ve always liked is www.ultimate-guitar.com
Spend some time with this pratice, helped me ALOT when I first started, give you a good feel on where things are on the guitar. Each time you get to the end, move your hand down one fret, with alternate picking
P.S. Smoke on the water better be the first song you learn 
Good stuff right there. Adjust and adapt.