Gumball Fatality

Link to UBRF = Failed.


Isn’t offtopic in gen auto a ban? This seems way offtopic now…


isn’t it pointless to be a memeber on an automotive forum, when you don’t even own one?

moved because it is waaaaayyy off topic

search all posts by styledyversatyl

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:84,topic:28728"”]

search all posts by styledyversatyl


Thanks, I just lowered my IQ 10 points, and I only read a few posts.

You people realize that if you are in support of stopping this you should be in support of gun reform, both start legally, someone does something illegal with them, but yet most of you dumb-asses think that no matter what happens no one should affect you purchasing a gun, but you are all for making this completely illegal, ahh hypocrisy at its finest. (Reason No. 1 to leave upstate/WNY)

There’s a lot of ways to look at something like this, I’m not getting deep into it though. Bottom line however, is PEOPLE make decisions. Stopping rally races/runs/endurances, will NOT stop stuff like this from happening.


You people realize that if you are in support of stopping this you should be in support of gun reform, both start legally, someone does something illegal with them, but yet most of you dumb-asses think that no matter what happens no one should affect you purchasing a gun, but you are all for making this completely illegal, ahh hypocrisy at its finest. (Reason No. 1 to leave upstate/WNY)


Terrible comparison. Responsibly owning a gun and responsibly owning a car are both similar as they both involve low risk to the public. Wrecklessly flailing a gun in public and racing a car at triple digit speeds for extended periods of time on public highways would be a good comparison in that they expose unwilling members of the public to elevated risk.

That’s the difference for all you organized road race supporters: Unwilling members of the public are exposed to highly elevated risk. If you want to risk your own life, that’s cool. But others who want to risk my life or the lives of people I love for their own pleasure should die in a car wreck before they kill me or my family.

^ Another stupid comparison pwned.

Last time I checked, the vast majority of the people at the shooting club didn’t head out in public to go target shooting.

A road rally where the first person from point A to point B wins is clearly condoning illegal driving on public roads. So that rally should be a high priority target for police agencies.

A road rally where the real racing is done on tracks, like One Lap of America, but that doesn’t allow enough time between events to drive a reasonable speed on public roads, or “rewards” participants with a necessity such as sleep for speeding and getting to a destination early is doing the same thing.

You are telling people that in order to be in the event, you must break the law. At no point do gun manufactures or gun clubs make that specification. Maybe you’ve been down south too long and the logic you learned in WNY has been replaced by redneck thinking.


Terrible comparison. Responsibly owning a gun and responsibly owning a car are both similar as they both involve low risk to the public. Wrecklessly flailing a gun in public and racing a car at triple digit speeds for extended periods of time on public highways would be a good comparison in that they expose unwilling members of the public to elevated risk.

That’s the difference for all you organized road race supporters: Unwilling members of the public are exposed to highly elevated risk. If you want to risk your own life, that’s cool. But others who want to risk my life or the lives of people I love for their own pleasure should die in a car wreck before they kill me or my family.


And states with CCW have more shootings since the gun is handy in a time of passion, it is no different, both “crimes” are commeted in times of passion, both end in harm/death, both are technically legal, yet owning a gun is fine, but participating in a road ralley is the devil. :bloated:


^ Another stupid comparison pwned.

Last time I checked, the vast majority of the people at the shooting club didn’t head out in public to go target shooting.

A road rally where the first person from point A to point B is clearly condoning illegal driving on public roads. So that rally should be a high priority target for police agencies.

A road rally where the real racing is done on tracks, like One Lap of America, but that doesn’t allow enough time between events to drive a reasonable speed on public roads is doing the same thing.

You are telling people that in order to be in the event, you must break the law. At no point do gun manufactures or gun clubs make that specification. Maybe you’ve been down south too long and the logic you learned in WNY has been replaced by redneck thinking.


wow, actually you are not telling anyone to speed, it is taken up themselves to perform the act. There are enough time between events on one lap, people drive like a dipshit because they want to, no external factors. People with guns kill/hurt other people because they want to, not because of an external source. Welcome to the concept of free will, I know its something hard for someone that actually voted for Bush to understand, but in no way shape or form is some one required to do anything, its their choice to do it.

By your reasoning there is no such thing as conspiracy to commit XYZ crimes either, for example, conspiracy to commit murder.

You can plan it out in perfect detail how you’re going to have ZeroDaze killed, hire the hit man and everything, but since it’s really up to the free will of the hitman you’ve done nothing wrong.

Organizing and event where you reward people for breaking the law should be illegal (Gumball), while providing people with a product that can be used both legally or illegally (guns) should be legal.

As for One Lap, I originally put it in the column of “OK” because the racing took place off public roads. The original poster was he one that said people needed to speed between venues, which is why I put it in the questionable column. It’s certainly not as bad as Gumball that directly rewards racing on public roads.


And states with CCW have more shootings since the gun is handy in a time of passion, it is no different, both “crimes” are commeted in times of passion, both end in harm/death, both are technically legal, yet owning a gun is fine, but participating in a road ralley is the devil. :bloated:


Road Rallies all end in harm/death? It is the intent of the driver to harm/kill inoccent bystanders? It is “technically legal” to shot another human? The NHRA organizes shooting competitions to be held in random (to the public) public places and places target in crowds?

Great analogy :roll2:

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:24,topic:28728"”]

I’m sure the older couples kids would find that super ammusing if they came across that pic. Classy.


i’m sure they would har har har


isn’t it pointless to be a memeber on an automotive forum, when you don’t even own one?


This forum is for automotive enthusist. Well I don’t own a car yet, I am still an enthusist.


any American who says or implies the following:

“OMG that is so wrong, an innocent person died”

can suck a big fucking dick…

seriously shut up… you cant pick and chose your morality.

the MK reference pic is hilarious, that Porsche was awesome, the douches who tried to flee are fags and deserve to go to jail but wont because they have lots of money and if they are european they will be chillin in the on the med in less than a week, street racing is awesome cool when no one gets hurt in exactly the same way that war is awesome when no one gets hurt.


war is awesome when no one gets hurt.


So the misappropriation of billions in tax payer money and the displacement of service members is awsome?

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:97,topic:28728"”]

So the misappropriation of billions in tax payer money and the displacement of service members is awsome?


You know what he meant.

it’s called: it happened over there so who cares…

I just came to the realization that when they “fled the scene” the driver/victim was still alive. The victim died in the ambulance… I assume no medics were called for some time. Had they reacted in a responsible/human way after the accident, the death could have maybe been avoided.

it’s bad to leave somebody who’s already killed…but 10x’s worse to leave somebody who’s helpless and dying