Gumball Fatality


couldnt have said it better.

I hope the same thing happens to someone you love. Ill be the first one there with a tasteless photoshop…


Let me get this straight. You hope that someone I love dies because I edited a photo? And you think i’m an asshole. That is hilarious. Others, feel to chime in on this.

This guy really wishes death upon someone I know because I made a joke!


Bound to happen one way or the other. Surprised it took this long.

People that can afford cars that can perform at the limit != people that can drive said cars at the limit.


Let me get this straight. You hope that someone I love dies because I edited a photo? And you think i’m an asshole. That is hilarious. Others, feel to chime in on this.

This guy really wishes death upon someone I know because I made a joke!



meh, i have said/made worse comments… but i have also had a professional hit man hired to kill me before (true story), and you only have people wishing death to your loved ones.


Let me get this straight. You hope that someone I love dies because I edited a photo? And you think i’m an asshole. That is hilarious. Others, feel to chime in on this.

This guy really wishes death upon someone I know because I made a joke!




that ps was fairly shitty. If the drivers of the porsche had died, then maybe. But when innocent people die because of someones lack of regard, then its entirely different…

ya your a fucking piece of shit dude. I hope you get cancer, and aids.
and die from passing kidney stones, drowning.

edit, in a turbo honda


ya your a fucking piece of shit dude. I hope you get cancer, and aids.
and die from passing kidney stones, drowning.


How about you go drown in a pool of AIDS


Thats why I really have very little issue with the (computer generated) race vids that are posted on here by a certain handsome 300z driver. Most are done on zee highway, late at night, with nobody else around…


Yes, but what impression does that make on younger drivers that are too stupid to know any better, or too young to care.

Case and point:

I feel bad for Sub Zero and Shao Kahn :frowning:

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:67,topic:28728"”]

Yes, but what impression does that make on younger drivers that are too stupid to know any better.

Case and point:


I wanted to post that argument about the Gumball DVDs so bad. But, its too easy to compare to the violence in video games debate. And that was a can of worms I didnt feel like opening

My photochop was mean, but comedy is the best solution for sad situations. And if I made at least one person smile today, then I did my job :slight_smile: The people I made mad, just need to take things less seriously (and some blood pressure medicine).


the link you posted doesnt work , it says no search found,

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:67,topic:28728"”]

Yes, but what impression does that make on younger drivers that are too stupid to know any better, or too young to care.

Case and point:


A. Most young drivers are stupid, and will race regardless of what video he does or does not make. Kids were street racing long before the fast and the furious, and even long before the internet.

B. Your link doesn’t work for me. Goes to a page that says zero results.


My photochop was mean, but comedy is the best solution for sad situations. And if I made at least one person smile today, then I did my job :slight_smile: The people I made mad, just need to take things less seriously (and some blood pressure medicine).




Ive had a stick up my ass all day for some reason.

how come jeremy’s link works for carl and not for me?


how come jeremy’s link works for carl and not for me?


I didnt. I just knew what he was talking about…


but i have also had a professional hit man hired to kill me before (true story),


That sounds like a good story…


That sounds like a good story…


yeah man

you cant just post that and not follow through with the story…

get me drunk sometime and i will tell you the story. its pretty funny


get me drunk sometime and i will tell you the story. its pretty funny



theres no story

youre just fishing for free beer…

Isn’t offtopic in gen auto a ban? This seems way offtopic now…