Gumball Fatality

I hate SCCA people who think every parking lot/ street, it thiers to take. Leave it for the events. not every public road

Tell me where I said all end in Harm/Death, you are putting words where they were not, you are making a conlcusion based off of a skewed view, yours, therefore you will see what you want to see.

Actually, if Carl hadn’t said that, I would have. It’s only funny to you because you didn’t know the person who died. Seriously, if you ever present a thread about one of your friends or someone from your family that has passed away, you can call me Pass McLAughingMyAssOff.

As long as Jay KAy from Jamiroquai doesn’t die, it’s all good :tup:

wow dude, just wow…

click by the arrow that apears after your s/n it will take you back to the original post, and again, wow…

There is a difference between hiring someone to do something, and Maxamillion(or what ever his name is) saying we do not condone speeding, do so at your own risk, your are making a generalization never being on one. Gumball does not reward, it is nothing more than bragging rights

I fail to see where it states Speed and you win everything in life :dunno:

It is state multiple times that speeding is your choice and you take the responsability, while they do not condone it

And one lap is no different then any other road ralley, they have enough time they just still drive like douches for bragging rights

Both crimes, ie shooting someone, hit and run, neither a road ralley or owning a gun is illegal

Well im coming in late on this and im sure I wont hear the end of this but. . .

First: The picture was helarious, you say I would like to see what their kids would say, but for all you know the people who died, would laugh at this situation too, im finding out that if you expect taste out of nyspeed members you may wanna go elsware. .

Second: The sport comparison (soccer deaths ect) was fine being that there was a time where there was no speed limits, and driving laws and enforcement were almost nonexistent.

Third: Rallies have now such a deep heritage and following, that they are going anywhere. Take one look at any selfish decision you have ever made multiply your income by 20 and now its big news for everyone. My example: A ceo decides to cut back 1000 jobs to turn a bigger profit for himself, upon losing his job Joe Blow finds he cant support his family and kills himself. Bet that ceo looks like an asswhole but is he a murderer.

I know this is an extreme example but I hope my point is made.

I will continue to make selfish decisions in my life as will all humans by nature but dont punish the people who make less selfish ones.


Even though those 2 can afford that car, they don’t deserve to drive it.

:tdown: to this.

Issued by Maximillion Cooper on behalf of The Gumball 3000 Rally - 21.30 / 03 May 2007

Following our earlier release reporting yesterday’s accident - As a sign of respect we have decided that this year’s Gumball 3000 Rally will not travel any further and will end in Bratislava this evening, May 3rd 2007.
As the organisers of the rally we feel that it should be stopped as a mark of respect to Vladimir Cepulyoski who died today after an accident involving one the participating drivers.
We are very saddened by what has happened and feel that it would be wrong to continue. On behalf of Gumball 3000, we once again extend our deepest sympathies to his family and we are doing everything we can for them.
This is the first time anything like this has happened in 9 years of travelling through over 40 countries with 1000’s of drivers and it is with deep regret that I make this announcement.

Maximillion Cooper
Founder & CEO
The Gumball 3000 Group For any media enquiries call Mission - 02074916680

mark thats just not right.

Gumball 3000 race organizers try to cover up hit & run

Not a wise decision, Maxamillion.

I think you can stick a fork in it. These sort of “Road Rallies” will be a thing of the past very shortly. The amount of negative coverage these assholes are getting just killed it for everyone.

EDIT: Live footage (not of the accident) of Gumball 3000 this year. The car involved in the hit & run is at the 2:13 mark or so:

from what I saw on the Gumball website (which was taken down) and the videomakers comments, the entire Gumball has now been cancelled:,,30200-1264048,00.html

If I hit somebody in Macedonia - I’d call the medics and run too…

whatever happened to styledyversatyl?

“They were arrested on charges of endangering traffic and abandoning an accident victim.”

The police spokesman said the offences carry a maximum one-year prison sentence.

Hopefully their courts work like ours, where the police will charge you with a very easy to prove crime to hold you, then later on in the investigation hit you with the serious charges. They certainly should get more than a year in jail over this.

What do you mean by this?

^^ Can you quote the relevent part from that link? Not a member, but I’d like to know what the SCCA bashing is about.

While I would like to think that this is a stunning display of class, they also took down their website. As 66impalass has pointed out, they do not “officially” condone speeding :cjerk:. However, they are smart enough to know full well that their event is in all reality an organized race on public roads and are trying to cover their asses before they get held liaible.

besides auto-x is just for people that have nothing better to do on sundays.

***may have been edited for drammatic effect.