Gun Control

Once again most people miss the boat on gun control.

We need to better regulate who can sell guns. And we need to crack down on who the gun companies are selling to. Like all things there’s a root. The root is not the end user

Um…gun companies sell to FFL holders only. Which is well regulated and monitored. I was contacted by BATF once because I dealer that sold me a gun was under investigation. They are on that shit.

However, they cannot trace private sales, or thefts. Illegal guns are our problem. And making them all illegal will only make the problem worse.

Why Better regulate who can sell them? That is not the issue. The biggest issue is getting guns out of the hands of people with criminal intent, not those who use them for recreational use/self defence. You can’t regulate criminals buying guns, just as you can not regulate drugs. You can try, but it will not stop.


Guns are made by legitimate companies…they are sold to someone who sells to someone else, etc… etc… and they end up on the street. Criminals aren’t manufacturing their own guns.

Somewhere durring that trip a “legitimate” company/person is selling illegally.

Yeah…your point being? It is no different than a car manufacturer selling to a lot, who sells it to a private dealer, who sells it to a private person, who sells it and so on. People steal cars and resells them. So you are saying we need to stop private sale of cars? statistically they kill thousands more a year than guns. We need to crack down on arms dealers. Not the people who manufacture the guns. In the US, ALL gun manufactuing companies are being constantly wached. As are the dealers they sell to.

Your point was that we need automatics to defend us against the gov’t. Now your saying that our military would fragment and weaken the govt ability to fight. So what happens to all those guns and weapony from the part of the military that doesn’t follow the gov’t?

This paranoid hypothetical situation is not enough to say that ordinary people should be allowed to own weapons that designed specifically to kill as many PEOPLE as possible.

People don’t need uzi’s.

And my logic is based off study and research of world history and American politcal history.

I’d venture to think that more people die per encounter with a gun than the number of people dying from an encounter with a doctor.

I was not refering specifically to automatic weapons.
I was refering to the fact that you claim it is paranoia.(sp)

A large amount of people throwing stones?:biglaugh:
We have seen that in the middle east, it doesn’t work.
I’ll take the automatic weapons over stones thank you.

Edit: A school principal was killed today, maybe another law would have saved him.:smash2:

If all the illegal guns on the street come from gun robberies then your analogy makes sense.

They don’t.

Now I don’t know how the federal gun sale tracking system is setup, but there’s obviously a network of purchasing from legitimate gun shops and re-selling for illegal purposes. A better tracking system and a networked sales system might be able to stop some of that.

Are there limits on how many guns you can buy in a year?

In NY there is a law that states if you own more than 20 firearms it is a class E felony. it is however a law that is not enforced. I know people with more that 40+ guns in a single safe. Personally I think it is a stupid law. Who cares how many guns an individual owns…you can only carry so many at a time.


um…probably not. I shoot competitively, on a national level. I coach a high school team. I know hundreds of people who own guns and shoot guns. Not one of them have been in any way injured or killed by guns. However, I know more than a couple of people that have died due to a doctor screw up.

Oh yeah - JoesTypeS - if they ban all firearms, I am going to car jack you at knife point.

“Would it make you feel any better if they was pushed out of windows?” - Archie Bunker, in response to gun related deaths.

Try it and I’ll snipe you with a bow & arrow. (There’s more than one around not having guns.)

Crossbow FTMFW.

Yes I believe its paranoia. But my beef is with automatic weapons mainly. I have said it time and time again I am fine with people owning pistols and rifles ans such.

And your crack at the principal is just shameless.

To JoestypeS. The problem is, is that there are so many guns on the underground “black market” that they dont need to rob gun stores. The proliferation has already occured. The guns are already there. No future laws will change that.

Wow. There are a lot of gun lovers on here.

I have never fired a gun in my life and never plan on it. I’m not into the whole alpha-male thing.

It wasn’t a “crack” and why is it shameless?:gotme:

Well then explain it.

I think you need to re-read my posts on the subject because I think you have seriously misunderstood my position.

the attraction to automatic weapons is alot like the excitement you guys experience when driving a powerful car on public streets. lets not beat around the bush here, there is no need for a car capable of running 12’s and topping out at 150+ mph on public streets just like there is no need for people owning automatic weapons. but i do believe i should have the right to entertain myself with an automatic weapon just like you guys do with fast cars, or with any of the other things that we enjoy as free americans that could pose the possibility of being lethal.

but unfortunatly the reason we have gun control and gun critics for the most part is because of ignorance. people who have never handled, shot, or educated themselves about guns usually fear them because of what they read in the newspapers, heard on tv, or was told by a biased friend or family member. I think most gun owners would be more than happy to give up some of their rights if gun control laws could get the guns out of the hands of criminals. but every gun owner knows that gun control only effects law abiding citezens rather than the criminals who dont follow the law.

This comparison always makes me laugh. You can make the same comparison about anything, we don’t need big screens, we don’t need SUV’s or anything else thats “outrageous” ect, ect… Automatic weapons were designed by the people with the intent of killing as many people as nessessary, there is no need to give people that kind of power, especially for its entertainment value.

You want to have fun with a gun, go target shooting or clay shooting. Leave the military weapons where they belong, with the military and law enforcment.