Gun Crew: Recommend me a 30-06

I have been browsing around and I want to pick up a 30-06 to hopefully go out hunting with pops this year. I want the 30-06 because my dad has one and I like the way it shoots and it is an old rifle that has never once had a problem… so reliability is there. I’d like to stick somewhere around a 22"-24" barrel. I have looked around a big and found a Remington 770 but the reviews on it were horrible… something is apparently wrong with the round advancement mechanism and according to the reviews it constantly jams. I also found a Mossberg 4x4 that was quite nice and had some good reviews. It was only a tad bit more than the Remington but seemed to be a much better rifle.
I am trying to stay as close to the $500 mark as I can for a rifle and a decent min-long range scope.

So what are your thoughts??? Any recommendations?

ive always loved the way a remington 700 shoots… never had a problem out of one either

I always through Remingtons were good reliable rifles, but it seemed like almost every review was something bad about the advancement mechanism.

meh… idk. i think as long as you take care of them, they do just fine… i was raised on remingtons and never once had one jam or anything be it a 30-30, 30-06, 870, or 1187

look into the savages. i feel they are quality specially for the price. they make the axis and it can be had for pretty cheap.

is it a remington 700, no, but it will 110% do what your looking for and more.

that was just the first site i checked for ya, check them out, ive seen some good deals locally also.

as far as remington, there is a difference between the 700 and 770. id stay away from the 770.

for optics, id reccomend a redfield or a nikon. both should be close to your price range and be enough for what your looking for. the nikon might be a little higher, but it is pure quality.

look at the redfields, and then look at nikon pro staffs and buckmasters. a good 4.5-14 or w.e can be had for around $300 IIRC. nikons quality matchs to some scopes that are double or triple the price.

some other rifles that you can look into, but will most likly be a little high for your desired price range would be…

Tikka’s- any model, they are all good.
Thompson Center Ventures
Remington 700
Savage makes a few other models that come with accu trigger and are a little more in price.

just re-read the op… yeah, not so much on the 770… the 700 is where it’s at :slight_smile:

I love my 700, but it’s also a .308.

I’d recommend any Remington 700 or one of the Savages. Also look into Vortex optics. I think they’re prolly the best bang for buck out of most companies. Never used a Redfield or Nikon.

I have a Remington 770 30-06 with a Bushnell scope. Still in the box, I’ve never even shot it, that i would sell. If you keep the action lubed they’re supposed to be fine, but its not as nice as a 700…

I have a remington 700 in 30-06 for sale its a great gun. come buy it it.

both of these are great options if you can adjust your price range.

Buy once, cry once.

Remember this as well, the Remington 700 action is hands down the most used action in bolt rifles in the US. The US military uses 700-based guns for their bolt action sniper rifles (M40 and M24). If their lives can depend on that gun firing every time they pull the trigger, I’m sure your hunting can as well.

Also, JVG’s 700 would be perfect for your needs, and an excellent deal for something that’ll only increase in value over time

I can attest to the quality of both the Tikka and Savage rifles, as I own both. Very good guns, with the Savage being the cheaper route than the Tikka. Also, you cant go wrong with either a Redfield(made by Leupold) or a Nikon, I own both of these scopes, in 4-12x40 and 4-16x42. The Redfield ran me $210, the Nikon was $405… I feel the Nikon is superior, but for the price the Redfield is excellent and very clear.

Fwiw, I’ve heard very good things about the 700’s a well, but have no personal experience with them.

I have seen and shot jons 30-06, still have some of the brass actually too from jon throwing a couple boxes down range. Perfect option for you kenny…any you wouldnt be supporting the un-ethical shops around you.

With that said, buy jons rifle…or join cmp and get a garand. Wait untill you see my pictures from todays adventure to the range.

If I had the money now I would 100% take Jon’s in a heartbeat. Everything I found on the 700 was great, it was just out of my price range. I even tried convincing pops to let me take a loan out from the bank of dad… lol.

Mine comes with a scope and ammo as well. Stainless barrel so if you happen to not get around to cleaning it right away or it sees moisture it wont rust or corrode

You def. dont want a 770. The savage axis are nice but the stocks or dumpy and chincy and will affect the groups from movement.

so if you know what you want, why not just save for an extra month or six and get it… it’s way cheaper to just wait and buy what you want the first time :wink:

I didn’t plan on going out right now and buying it this week. Its something I need to save for… I was just trying to get some ideas now so that when I have the money I’ll be able to know what I want already. I also don’t want to spend over $1k+ for something that realistically will only get used a handful of times over the year…

ah… gotcha… i know what you mean… i’m saving for an ar15 right now and waiting is killing me! i had a line on a brand new bushmaster for $600 but when it comes down to it, it isnt the gun i want so i passed on it

i’m not actively trying to get rid of my 700 since the stainless barrel 30-06 is hard to come by. When your ready/ready send me a pm if I still have it you can come check it out.

Will do. Hopefully I’ll get lucky. It could be a while though… completely forgot about the roof over my finished off porch that I have to do soon… lol. Damn home-ownership having to take priority over toys…