Gun fags, come on in! Need some advice

Yeah I hear ya man. The reason I mentioned slug was that in one of the classes I’ve taken that is what they recommended, but then again it was a class geared towards more tactical use of the shotgun, and I was taking it with several LEO and SWAT. It’s quite possible that I misinterpreted that. I know slugs are great for going through glass.

You bring up a great point though with me having kids and a family. That is also why I would choose the AR over a shotgun, due to my accuracy with it, and less of a chance of buckshot or birdshot going where it is not intended to.

These discussions are always great but in the end, there is not perfect answer, no perfect situation. You have to look at your home environment, your family situation, and your training. Money spent on training with firearms is much more important than money spent on firearms mods.

As far as the slug vs buckshot in trial… with the unfortunate situation that we’re all in NY… It’s hard to say how they would portray that. However, as the old adage goes… It’s better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.