Gun guys.. step in please.. buying my first gun

I use SKS p0wa for home protection
I have to grab myself a pistol grip 12 gauge one of these times though

Bottom line get whatever you feel most comfortable with

10/22 is always a good starter gun

want/need something with a bit more power?

piston grip shotgun… nothing says get the fuck out of my house fast than hearing the shotgun pump lol

I can see the kickback from a pistol putting you on the ground Will. lol. You are probably the LAST person I can see with a gun. You’re dangerous enough on the Zx10r. haha

finally taking action against all those h-date stalkers.

fake aks are 350 bucks, real russian/korean/china are a hell of alot more. If you pay 350 for an AK your not getting the real thing. Also if your lucky to find a pre ban ak47, BUY IT!

Taurus or Sig Sauer …

Kel-tec is a real nice gun for the $. shot the Kel-tech that my neighbor and brother both had. And also the beretta cx-4. Hands down the kel-tech wins because of price and how it feels to shoot, and also accuracy. Beretta is nice, just not worth the cash. Also the .40 has more stopping power, the 9mm with hollow points will also stop someone, and at the range is cheaper to shoot.

MP-44 4 L

For home defense alone, a short barrel shotgun with shot loads is the best, bar none. It’s simple to fire in high stress. Need not have pinpoint accuracy. Devastating wounds at close range. Small (6 or 8) shot load will only go thru 1or 2 layers of plaster. Look for a 20 gauge pump with a 18" tube. Throw a flashlight on it, and a pistol grip, you’re good to take on the scum of the earth!

If you’re going the semi-auto handgun route, my Baretta has NEVER jammed. My Colt, S&W, and others will jam once in a while. I’ve owned guns for nearly 30 years, and my next one will be a Glock.

There are far better choices than a glock now a days, like the Springfield Armory XD-357, that will certainly stop anyone trying to jack yo shit.

  1. +1 to ugo. Shotgun shot is the best option for home defense.

  2. piFUCKINGcard. How many of you first time gun owners looking for something for “home protection” are actually just justifying having a cool gun? Ever had an intruder? If you ever do GTFO if at all possible. Confrontation is for only when absolutely unavoidable. Too much can go wrong. What if he’s a faster draw than you? What if it’s a buddy playing a trick on you? There’s no such thing as a movie-style standoff in that situation. You never point a gun at anything you don’t intend to put a hole in.

  3. Get what you want. Find/make friends with more experienced gun owners who are willing to teach you safe handling. Keep that motherfucker locked up.

  4. You’re going to want to shoot it. A lot. Target shooting is a lot of fun. Keep the price of ammo in mind.

where is it easer to get a Pistol Permit … Erie or Catt ?? does anyone know … im clean with background checks and such

this is big IMO that is why i like the lil .22

lol im willing to bet 1/2 of the folks on here wouldn’t know what the fuck to do if someone pulled a gun on them, and cower in the closet. Its all talk until it actually happens. And fry, even as something as simple as a derringer is fine for home defense. it only takes 1 shot to put a man down. Shotgun is also nice tho :slight_smile:

Whats the percentage of people who get shot with their own guns during a robbery? lol

Erie is the toughest in the state, my brother got his in Allegheny cnty is less than 5 months, no interviews, nothing, he put in for target and got a full carry. Erie is a bitch to get a full carry, usually unless you have a damn good reason they wont give it to you off the bat, you can then reapply after a year i believe.

Unless they’re all hopped up on goofballs.

so i should try catt then… cool

lol then yes, a shotgun would be the better choice :slight_smile:

or any assault rifle for that matter.

but most folk dont keep assault rifles by they’re bed :slight_smile:

I guess I mine as well try for the pistol permit now that I live back here…

I want FinalGTS to sell me his damn SKS…