Gun Laws 01/14/2013

Whoever started that page has little to no forethought either. This is why I am so pissed at the citizens more than the bill itself. Everyone is running around clueless clinging to imaginary threads. THINK THIS SHIT THROUGH AND GET A FUCKING GAME PLAN PEOPLE.

“His new firearms bill will cost the state millions in new registration databases and enforcement”

Nice opinion, with zero fact backing it up referenced. How the fuck does that person know how much money was spent on the servers, network and everything running it??? I could make the same page and say it cost taxpayers BIIIIIILLLLONNNNZZZZZZ for the new registration databases and shit. Its retarded.

The part where you put your name in isnt even fielded correctly for fucks sake! Where do i put my first, last, address, city, zip? I mean I can see logically what line to put them, but WHATS THE LAST FUCKING LINE ABOVE THE SECURITY CODE FOR???

Also, once its signed, wheres it going? What good is it supposed to do for us? Where is the effort going to fight for us???

Ignorant “actions” to fight ignorant actions. 3,963 people blindly acting once again.