Gun Laws 01/14/2013


also i know a couple of you guys on here are trying to buy stuff off of me right now, i would like to make it clear that as of right now i will be holding onto those items. if it is made clear by either the state or someone who operates as a ffl that i can 100% legally sell anything then i will and if the time comes you guys will be the first ones i call, you know who you are.

I won’t be doing anything until the year is almost up. I’m just asking the question since they are saying that we have to sell off the p-mags. Another question on the registration if I bought the ARs new in NY then do I have to register them??? Also on the 7 rounds in a mag deal can we put 8 in chamber 1 leaving 7 in the mag and still be legal???

I absolutely don’t support the law and hope it will be repealed, but we need to start thinking about what we are going to do if it doesn’t.

yes only the mag can have 7 rounds, so 7+1 is fine. yes you have to register any AR doesn’t matter where you got it.

Make sense of this for me. This bill was soooooo important that it must pass without the 3 day viewing period. It could not wait, people’s lives were at stake, for god sake think about the children. Then there is 60 days or a year before any of it goes into effect…??

/\ welcome to how the state works. I already covered it. Typical initiatives come to table, and are carried out ASAP to make the people with the pen in hand look like fast acting hero’s. Then their job is done, on to the next initiative to add to the resume. If it fucks up, they dont care, if it takes effect 5 years from now, they don’t care. ONLY time they seem to give a shit about forethought, is when decision A will spawn decision B’s initiative.

Fuck them, 1776

Whoever started that page has little to no forethought either. This is why I am so pissed at the citizens more than the bill itself. Everyone is running around clueless clinging to imaginary threads. THINK THIS SHIT THROUGH AND GET A FUCKING GAME PLAN PEOPLE.

“His new firearms bill will cost the state millions in new registration databases and enforcement”

Nice opinion, with zero fact backing it up referenced. How the fuck does that person know how much money was spent on the servers, network and everything running it??? I could make the same page and say it cost taxpayers BIIIIIILLLLONNNNZZZZZZ for the new registration databases and shit. Its retarded.

The part where you put your name in isnt even fielded correctly for fucks sake! Where do i put my first, last, address, city, zip? I mean I can see logically what line to put them, but WHATS THE LAST FUCKING LINE ABOVE THE SECURITY CODE FOR???

Also, once its signed, wheres it going? What good is it supposed to do for us? Where is the effort going to fight for us???

Ignorant “actions” to fight ignorant actions. 3,963 people blindly acting once again.

i agree, getting people to sign stupid shit like that will only serve to dilute the valid signatures on a valid petition like the ones senators Larkin and Marchione.

thank you.

As much as people love to say I spend too much time thinking wayyyy to deep into stuff. Maybe its about time the rest of you try it too. :slight_smile:

I listened to Fred Dicker interview Governor Cuomo on AM 1300. It was a good interview. I don’t know if it could be found anywhere on the Internet. I don’t often agree with Dicker, but there’s a reason he’s in journalism for so long.

its bad to think our elected officials think taking guns from good people saves lives. or limiting a 10rd clip to 7. it doesnt save any kids. it weakens the power the people have.

do you feel safer?

just think the major part of that bill was gun releated it wasnt about helping parents raise their kids better, it wasnt about our kids. it was about limiting the power of the people.

if we could make everyone a good person which we can why not pass a bill to make people better. i would rather live in a world with good people with morals. i dont want to live in a place where big gov’t effects the good peoples lives in a negitive way.

i just hope they dont pass a bill everyone has to go to this fema camp in 48hrs. like some nazi shit. nazi’s took the good guns away before they started rounding up innocient people to mass murder. it sounds out there but it could happen. i didnt think this semi auto bill could happen but it did. and it was fast

nazi’s also used a epic lie to show the mass media taking guns would be better for them. and look at the outcome. once your weak and cant find ammo they will strike again.

i will not register any gun. i will not agree with the list. i hope you will not either. like said before they cant take all of us unless we let them

What happens when 1 week from now, someone shoots up the place and we are back to square one. Better (not really) yet, a place full of people that could have defended themselves but it was hampered by a bill like this.

I dont want to see anyone get hurt, but I would like to see the back pedal and the look on the governors face when someone simply says “Well looks like that didnt help Andrew”.

this is not the first unconstitutional law. its the first the effected you so you are starting to look at it.

they have passed a shit load of them in your time. and you did nothing. i agree with you when you say its time to fight but i hope you mean it.

i dont comply with any unconstitutional law as i am a free man. they cant use there paper to pull me down. sovergin citizen ftw.

people used to laugh at me saying pitmans anti govt or he is always against the new rules. now you can see why i think the way i do. i dont believe the tv or the news like most do. they can lie legally and they have too many times to the sheep.

i would love it if you guys could turn your tv off for 1hr each day and research something or think about life. it would benefit everybody if your a better person.

you will see one day that questioning everything is the better path. dont follow the rules follow what feels right. your body will know right from wrong. some paper or elected offical cant tell your body whats right.

things like that already happend in the past. so its possibile to happen again.

the 1994 ban did not save any kids lives that died to a crazy mad man. it doesnt matter what tool or weapon the crazy guy uses. its the crazy guys fault.

we need to stop crazies not guns. i know of people who have used guns for 50+ years and never shot a person. so why would a person think taking the guns sloves the rpoblem?

he doesnt he wants to weaken your power. he wants you to feel like you cant do a thing next time he passes a crazy law.

hate to break it to you but america is socialist. you can believe me or fox news thats says its a democracy.

We need an emergency re-election of our goverment officials to go along with these emergency unconstitutional laws.

ask the socialist what they think of that

If less than 1% of the population of the US marched peacefully to washington and demanded change there would be over a million people. I’m sure its hard to tell a million people no go home this isn’t something you can change.

your right they will tear gas you and maybe shoot


i say dont wait for a god to save you or someone else. time to fight is now. you need to do something about it. dont hope someone else will for you.

i wish the govt would leave me alone and dont infringe on my people but me wishing will not help a thing.

we need action. we need people and we need to unite