Gun Laws 01/14/2013

Maybe they will maybe they won’t but our founding fathers said it’s our duty to at least try. And that was only a few hundred people that’s easy. imagine the logistics trying to gas a million people

germans did it and they had a controling govt.

that’s a totally different scenario and you know it :lol

is this more on topic?



I’ll remember that when we decide to march in Egypt.

we are more like egypt than you think. there people are oppressed by a big govt too. my only advice is to bring a gas mask

I guess I’ll find out tomorrow in albany if they are that interested in tear gassing innocent peaceful protesters. I’ll be sure to bring a videocamera

i am bringing my cam too. police do some messed up things. they also do good but most of the time they enforce wack laws or use their power for bad


i hope my military and police dont shoot at me

Take a few minutes to watch.

:edit, I’d only recommend the first ~6 minutes.


police are humans just like everybody else, there will be good and bad. I don’t believe that there are more bad cops than good cops, of course that’s all we hear of though. Not all of them become a police officer so they can abuse their authority, I know for every dickhead cop I’ve had an encounter with I’ve prob had 5 respectful encounters with normal police officers.

look at that slimebag shumer with his slimey smug look

@3:38 if your watching that and didnt instantly tear up, your fucked up.

if there are bad cops and good cops what is the breaking point? i dont want any bad cops. if they both come with the job why not get rid of that job? and protect ourselves? then i cant say theres bad cops.

most cops follow the rules and do as they are told. but really they are public servants. they will act like they are better than you tho because they are taught that. they will be the guys taking you to jail for having a defense rifle. not me. they will be the guys who shoot tear gas at you. not me. they will be the guys to enforce the legislations bad laws. not me. imo they are not good.

what good do they do you? sure you can call them if a mad man breaks into your home but it takes them time to respond. you could of acted faster to help your loved ones by defending them. not relying on the police that take over 3mins to arive. keep hoping that they will save you and you will end up not being saved.

police do not help society they make it worse. i live in a police state thats ruled by a few rich folks. police follow orders no matter what the order is. i just hope the order isnt to disarm americans.

remember i am fighting for you the people. the cops are getting paid to do their job. i do mine for free. cops will not listen to anyone besides the person paying them. its unfortunite

litterly just sold the last of my guns to a local gun shop lol, never used then anyways they collected dust for the last 2 years… no more worrying about these stupid law changes that will not lower the crime rate at all… I need someone gun smart to pm me thou I do have some questions regarding laws and such that I would prefer not to throw out there… but were my guns are now gone I am getting to use this money on a new project I have in mind:)

So I just spent an hr reading the bill.

Did anyone notice that law enforcment was NOT exempt in this bill, for the 7 round clip section??? But in my research they WERE exempt from the 10 round restriction in the past.


Good work Albany. So you not only restricted the citizens, you restricted the people who are supposed to protect us too! You just had to pass the fucking bill in one day didnt you.

This brings up a good point. The first cop that unloads a full clip (more than 8 rounds, assuming 7+1) better be brought to court and processed as you or I would be. Lets see that example and those repercussions.

I saw elsewhere online it was an oversight, 1 amongst many

Where do I draw the line? You can’t have a perfect system no matter how hard you try there will always be those that are out of line and abuse their power. Maybe right now we don’t have the best process to identify which officers are stable enough to handle their responsibility, I wouldn’t be opposed to more mental health testing on officers before they are put on the street. Would that be enough to weed out all the officers that were just picked on in school or want to relive their glory days? Probably not, we will always have the human element and that will never be a totally perfect system. What good do they do for me? Whether you will admit it or not having police cars driving around and officers in uniform will deter criminals and stop crime because criminals can see that there are armed civilians who are trained and willing to intervene whenever necessary.

A chapter amendment is coming to clean up some of the language and mistakes, such as that.

la le lu le looooooooooo

Oh and I’m not here to start other conspiracy theories…but to those that think this was the end game…listen and understand what McL is stating here…
